Arts Access Australia


Arts Access Australia (AAA) is the peak national body for arts and disability.

AAA works to increase opportunities and access for people with disability as artists, arts-workers, participants and audiences.

AAA is a disability-led organisation that provides three key services for its members:

  • Representation and Advocacy
  • Facilitation and Development
  • Information and Advice

Arts Access Australia is unique because it works with people with disability in all areas of the arts, across all art forms, all age groups, and across all impairments and all areas of Australia.

Arts Access Australia uses the Social Model of Disability. So the term ‘disability’ is used to refer to barriers, rather than medical conditions or impairments.

When we say we work with ‘people with disability’, we mean anyone with sensory or physical impairments, hidden impairments, intellectual impairments, learning difficulties or mental health conditions. We recognise and value the culture and language of the deaf community, and include them within this definition in regognition of the similar barriers that many deaf people face accessing the arts.
