Nomad Dance Academy - NDA


Nomad Dance Academy (NDA) is a systematic process, platform, designed to establish strong, recognizable, unique Balkan contemporary dance scene which is professional, socially relevant and influential, open and connected.

NDA is: a platform for collaboration in contemporary dance, a self-refreshing organizational model, a tool for promotion of contemporary dance, an intensive program for education and creation.

Goals of NDA are:

  • to contribute to professionalization of the sector and to introduce the model of NDA to other cultural fields;
  • to improve education and research opportunities for both young and experienced dancers and choreographers;
  • to improve production conditions in the field of dance;
  • to promote dance as a socially relevant and inclusive art field and to develop its audience.

The NDA network has decided to invest its work in capacity-building and more focused and structured initiatives in advocacy. The network has solidarity as a value and has experienced it as an essential mechanism for the empowerment of all actors in the field or even more for the advocacy. We have expanded our network to include neighboring countries as well, with their similar cultural environments and to create a voice for the change of public policies. 
