Peace, Cultural Development and Cultural Policies

  • Email Address:
  • Phone: 39 06 487 4336 / 06 487 4601 (office) 39 06 482 5188 (fax)
  • Address: Via Flavia 104, Rome, Italy

Established in 1999 at the Jacques Maritain International Institute (Italy).

Peace, cultural development, cultural policies.


  • To support and encourage the dialogue among official authorities, the private sector, researchers, economists and planners, artists, organizers, institutions, associations, NGOs, etc in the definition of cultural, national and territorial policies.
  • To identify the implications of these interactions as regards policies and to develop the relevant methods and human resources to take them into account in the definition, planning, implementation, management and evaluation of cultural policies, strategies, programs and projects for the development inspired by the principles and objectives of the Stockholm plan of action.

Host Institution

UNESCO Sector/Office responsible for the Chair/Network


Prof. Louis Sabourin, Institut International Jacques Maritain
