Funding opportunities for cultural mobility

Aktualno | 11.12.2014. 12:00

Securing funding to finance international travels is a big challenge. We at On the Move cannot provide you with tailor-made solutions, but we signpost you to organisations and funds which can be useful for your upcoming mobility experiences!

This section provides you with information and tips on how and where to find funding for your mobility as an artist, a cultural professional and/or a cultural organisation. Depending on the nature of your project and the geographical area it covers, we suggest you to visit the sections that we have consolidated so far:

Europe (29 newly edited guides since Nov. 2014)

Asia (22 newly edited guides since Dec. 2014)

Arab countries (1 new guide/13 countries since April 2014)

USA (to be published in January 2015)

Other world regions 

Tips and resources


There are different reasons that may explain why you are looking for mobility funding, and among them:

- You have been selected for a project in a foreign country (collaboration project, residency, participation in an event like a festival etc.) but you are not provided with funding for your transportation;

- You have developed a project with an international component and you wish to invite in one or more places/countries foreign artists and cultural professionals for co-production, touring, market development etc.;

- You are interested in working experiences (including training) in a foreign country and wish to find opportunities covering your travel costs.

There may also be reasons which may complicate your search for funding: a last minute confirmation of invitation for a project overseas, selection criteria based on nationality (which can pose problems to the mobility of people living and working in other countries than their country of birth); the cross-sectoral nature of your project, which hardly fits into traditional categories of disciplines funded etc.


For the public/private funders of cultural mobility or policy/decision makers, these funding pages and the specific mobility funding guides related to Asia and Europe, beyond providing information, allow for an overview of the funding opportunities in different countries or world regions and might help you define investments into domains or areas which are not enough funded. 

As an example of good practice, the Guide to Funding Opportunities for the International Mobility of Artists and Culture Professionals in Europe was used as a tool of references for the OMC working group convened by the European Commission in 2012 to work on a better structured framework to support cultural mobility

For references and ideas of good practices, you can also visit, engage and/or commit to the Charter for a Sustainable and Responsible Cultural Mobility, forfunders or policy makers.

Check also the series of meeting on cultural mobility funding in Prague (2013),Melbourne (2014) and New York (2015).

