Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!

06.03.2014. 12:00 | Zagreb, Croatia

The venue is Academy of Drama Arts at 12pm - noon. 

In March a series of public presentations to students and cultural practitioners will be held across the region, in almost all of the partner's instituions. 

We will be visiting Ljubljana, Rijeka, Zagreb, Tuzla, Sarajevo, Cetinje, Skopje and Blagoevgrad. The presentations are open to everyone interested - so do not miss a chance to hear from the first hand all about the Platform, how to use it, what can be published and of course the most important how can you benefit from it but also contribute! 

For a detailed schedule of the Tour - dates and places - check our events calendar section of the Platform. 

Also, do not forget to follow our facebook page for live updates and last minute informations!


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