29.06.2016. 00:00 | Cracow

Landscape as impulsion for culture: research, perception & protection

June 29 – July 1, 2016, Cracow, Poland

Multidisciplinary landscape studies create a unique opportunity to trace cultural and environmental transformations and move us closer to understanding the distance that humanity have covered for the hundreds thousands years of its development. This is because the cultural “multi-layer structure” is an inherent feature of landscape, making it a kind of a palimpsest.

We invite you to participate in the first CLC meeting, during which we will try to bring together the efforts of specialists representing numerous disciplines that investigate, interpret, or create landscapes. We will be talking about definitions and understanding of landscape-related issues among people from different cultural milieus, discuss the role of landscape studies in examining the human past, and analyse the contemporary perception of landscape and methods of its protection and transformation.

One of the most important objectives of the proposed conference is the theoretical and practical analysis of landscapes and their individual elements in various parts of the world. This also includes the identification and interpretation of contexts, connections, morphology and arrangement of material relics as well as intangible phenomena that nevertheless left their imprint in landscape, which will allow for a more comprehensive explanation of human behaviours and cultural processes, both in distant past and more recent times.

An important position in our discussion will be given to so-called strategy of preventive conservation of cultural heritage, which ought to be inscribed into the ecological programme of environment protection. There will also be place for the attempts to define “environment” from holistic perspective, i.e. understood as a system of interrelated animate and inanimate elements, created by both human and nature. In this context one should emphasise the need to harmonise the actions aimed at preservation of nature with those targeted on cultural heritage, which are now often not coordinated and thus ineffective. Particular attention will be given to the notions of culture and nature and their ideological sources, as well as the issues of ecology and ecological awareness and the problems posed by setting the limits of human intervention in nature in protected areas.

The CLC meetings will be distinguished by a complementary research approach, bringing together the methods from a range of fields such as humanities, natural sciences, exact sciences, art sciences, and technical sciences. Such an approach offers an opportunity to integrate different research perspectives oriented on investigating the “man-environment” interaction, the role of man in landscape transformations, and of landscape in shaping the patterns and mechanisms of culture. There were many shades and motives to these mutual interactions and relations, which in many aspects influenced human existence and shaped the present day picture of culture and environment.

The conference is addressed to scientists and landscape specialists interested in general, wide landscape studies and in particular to: archaeologists, geographers, landscape architects, conservators, anthropo-geographers, historians, cultural anthropologists, theorists of culture, ethnologists, natural philosophers, environmentalists as well as other professionals who are dealing in their work with study or transformation of the landscape.

We are deeply convinced that multidimensional perception of landscape makes it possible to identify the many and various ways in which it impacts our life. We hope that our 2016 meeting will become a recurring event, and the first one will allow us to better clarify further subject and wisely read the interests of the scientific community.


Specific topics of our interest are as follows:


  • landscape studies: definitions, theories and methods
  • can landscape be assessed and priced? – problems with the valorisation of landscape elements
  • contemporary trends in and landscape research and planning
  • 21st – century world and its attitude to landscape
  • doctrinal documents as regards landscape – directions, models, and future
  • natural landscapes, nature and its protection, and the role of multidisciplinary landscape studies in developing the nature protection policies


  • studies on the role of landscape in the development of human communities in prehistory and in historic period
  • studies on the implications of landscape for the type of infrastructure; landscape as a base system for settlement and social activity
  • how settlement, economic, religious, social, and political transformations manifest themselves in landscape?
  • can landscape be seen as the context for people living in it and a factor shaping their perception, mentality, and way of functioning?
  • in what way does landscape describe the differences between inhabited areas and build local identities?
  • in what ways does landscape shape human aesthetics and perception?
  • what is the position of landscape in the characteristics of particular cultural units?
  • how is landscape reflected in language and interpersonal relations?


  • analysis from the field of humanistic geography, anthropogeography, geography of culture and regions, psycho-cartography, etc.
  • integrative actions focused on the protection of cultural and natural heritage, and public engagement
  • how to protect landscape and its elements without hampering the development and necessary transformations?
  • how to protect landscape’s integrity and fragility without limiting its accessibility?
  • what is the relationship between the idea of sustainable development and current landscape treatment?



Beata Kwiatkowska-Kopka
Piotr Kołodziejczyk

Conference organized by:
Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Cracow University of Technology

In all matters related to the conference, please contact:

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Twitter: @cracowlc



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