Conference - The Best in Heritage 2016

22.09.2016. 08:00 | Dubrovnik, Croatia

15th Edition - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22 - 24 September 2016 in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA with support of Creative Europe programme & Endowment Fund of ICOM.

The Best in Heritage is an international, annual survey of award-winning museum, heritage and conservation projects. More than twenty projects from around the world, proclaimed the best in the previous year on national or international level, are invited to the conference to present their success stories. In brief, we display and celebrate excellence from the field of museums and heritage. The conference is taking place at the end of each September in Dubrovnik, UNESCO World heritage site.

We collect information on all awarded projects from the past year and make it available on this website. From the list The Best in Heritage Advisory board makes a selection of projects to be invited to take part in the event. The aim is to have a diverse and interesting programme offering an insight into innovative practices, successful management approaches, extraordinary professionalism and into present day trends and tendencies.

The conference was started in 2002 by European Heritage Association from Zagreb, which still supports the event.


  • Meeting of museum and heritage professionals with various experts we cannot do without (architects, designers, consultants, information specialists, suppliers, tourism experts, media people etc.);
  • Meeting of institutions and professionals from a broad range of practice and interest in the field of heritage to provide practical inspiration and create a rich mutual learning environment;
  • Meeting of experienced veterans and ambitious, creative newcomers from the converging variety of professions in the field of heritage, all in the context of the information society;
  • Meeting of minds and cultures: Dubrovnik has been, throughout its rich history, a geographical point where Mediterranean meets Central Europe, where West meets East, where North meets South.
  • Meeting of museums, heritage and conservation professionals as an opportunity to check rising convergence through four shared objectives and circumstances: user orientation, societal mission, Information and communication technology and common theoretical basis.


The widening profession needs quality information and benchmarking occasions; there are, annually more than a hundred awarded, new or renewed institutions world-wide and a great number of exceptional projects hardly known to the international professional public. All of them deserve further professional and public attention. Besides, we live in an increasingly competitive world where standards of excellence, i.e. expectations, be it from public or our other stakeholders, are rising steadily.

Presentations are structured is such a way as to produce the most usable insight into the awarded project and its protagonists. The participants learn by the best examples while their "least" profit remains the inspiration, stemming from specific differences in the same, grand domain of heritage.


Our presenters are usually extraordinary professionals whose expertize has ben approved by a national or international award. Yet, as presenters, they are given clear instructions how to structure their presentation so that it answers most of your questions. Besides, every presentation is followed by a short discussion involving moderator and the participants.

Source: The Best in Heritage 


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