Rezultati iskanja
- 2nd World Culture Forum - Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet
- 2nd World Culture Forum - Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet
- International Conference - BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: The Role of Theater Festivals in The International Cultural Relations
- International Conference - BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: The Role of Theater Festivals in The International Cultural Relations
- Conference - The Best in Heritage 2016
Raziskovalni prispevki
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Shared Policies: Future of Democratic Cultural Development. New models of partnership between the public, private and civil sector
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Shared Policies: Future of Democratic Cultural Development. New models of partnership between the public, private and civil sector
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Theater, public space and city identity – memory politics as a challenge in preserving Belgrade’s multicultural identity
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Theater, public space and city identity – memory politics as a challenge in preserving Belgrade’s multicultural identity
- Nomad Dance Academy Publication
Študentski programi
- Internship opportunity - DAH Theater
- French Government scholarships for 2016/2017
- Objavljena sta javna razpisa za dodiplomske in podiplomske štipendije v šolskem letu 2014/2015, rok prijave: 5. maj 2014
- PhD Scholarship opportunity to study under prof. David Throsby
- AHRC PhD Studentship in Everyday Participation and Cultural Value in Glasgow
- → O nas
- → Člani konzorcija
- → Uredniški odbor
- → Partnerji
- → Kontakt
- → CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- → Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- → Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- → European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- → Mednarodna delavnica v Ljubljani: "Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe"
- → CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- → Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- → Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- → European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- → Mednarodna delavnica v Ljubljani: "Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe"
globalna kultura
kreativne industrije
cultural diplomacy
Kulturna politika
creative process
kulturna ekonomika
Koledar dogodkov
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