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- "A World without Walls": Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity"
- "Culture and Sustainability in European Cities. Imagining Europolis", edited by Svetlana Hristova, Milena Dragićević Šešić, and Nancy Duxbury
- "Sustainable Economies, Sustainable Technologies, Sustainable Industries "
- 15th International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XV)
- 16th International Conference of National Trusts
- 2015 Craft Research Fund Grants
- 2015 International Symposium on Cultural Trajectories
- 2021 European Capital of Culture - Call for Applications
- 23rd ENCATC Annual Conference
- 2nd International Danube Conference on Culture
- 4th ENCATC International Study Tour Boston, USA
- 7th ELIA Leadership Symposium
- 7th World Summit on Arts and Culture / Malta 2016
- 81st PEN International Congress
- A Contribution to Cultural Policy of Serbia
- Announcing the First Winner of the Dragan Klaić Lecturer Award
- Announcing the Second Winner of the Dragan Klaić Lecturer Award
- Announcing the Third Winner of the Dragan Klaić Lecturer Award
- Apply for the 2nd ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Apply Now for Atelier BUDAPEST 2016
- Art in resistance: An open call from SPIELART Festival Munich
- Artistic Mobility Alliance Initiative
- Atelier GWANGJU 2015: Call for applications
- AUF Internship mobility 2016
- Balkan Museum Network (BMN) second annual conference "Meet, See, Do"
- BalticSTE 2015 Symposium
- Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Diagnosis Seminar
- Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Operation Workshop
- Berlin Conference 2015
- Beyond Reality Inc
- Call for Abstracts / 6th Annual ENCATC Research Session
- Call for Anna Lindh Foundation “Intercultural Actions”
- Call for Applications: Summer School on Value of Culture
- Call for Applications: UNESCO Chair Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- Call for Papers for the International Journal Localities
- CALL FOR PAPERS Interpret Europe conference 2014 Heritage Interpretation and Tourism
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for papers: Culture, market and society
- Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- Call for Presentations: Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity
- Call for Proposals for MuseumNext 2015
- Call for Proposals: ICCPR 2014 Conference
- Call for Proposals: Visuality, Community, and Affect in Representations of History
- Call for Researchers: Institute of Leisure Studies (Bilbao, Spain)
- Call for Submission of Proposals for Collaboration Projects in Arts and Culture - COLABs
- CfA: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
- Conference Creative Europe Programme 2014 – 2020
- Conference: Beyond Romani Stereotypes: Voicing Romani Pluralities
- Conference: Migration in and out of East and Southeast Europe - Values, Networks, Well-Being. Regensburg, 2-4 July 2015
- Crowdfunding4Culture
- Cultural Fellowships in Russia
- Culture and Sustainable Development at Times of Crisis - Conference
- Culture and Sustainable Development at Times of Crisis - extended deadline!
- Degrading "Support" from the Ministry of Culture of Serbia
- Digital Heritage 2015 International Congress
- Discussion with articles on steering the arts markets in Slovenia
- Dragan Klaić Fellowship (student scholarship)
- Dragan Klaic Lecturer Award 2016/17
- E-Capital Culture - Adriatic Start-up School - Call for Idea 2015
- E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy: Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
- E-Motional/ ArtistNe(s)t Residencies & MAP - sharing of processes
- E-Space MOOC Creative with Digital Heritage
- ENCATC Annual Conference 2013 - Registration open
- European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA)
- European Heritage Congress
- European Project Results Demonstrate Cultural Heritage Does Count for Europe’s Sustainable Development
- Evaluation of Cultural Policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in the Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE)
- Evaluation of Cultural policies and EU funded programs as Promoters of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in Western Balkans/Southeast Europe (SEE)
- Falling Walls Lab Austria, call for applications
- Fifth International Research Conference for MA and PHD Students in georgia
- Filming Locations Conference: Call for Papers
- First "Young Scholars' Forum" 2013 in Vienna - Cultural Policy and Management
- First cultural mobility experiences for European artists and cultural professionals in China
- For and Against Models of Official Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- Forum for Sustainable Communities 2015
- Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage (FUUH)
- From BIFC to BAC: The launch of the cultural fund for the Balkans - interview with Katherine Watson
- Funding opportunities for cultural mobility
- Global Cultures of Contestation
- Goran Tomka for European Cultural Forum
- IACCM 2015 Conference
- Ida Hiršenfelder: Endless Plane. The dimensions of video space and the art of projection
- IETM > Fresh Perspectives ‘Arts and environment’ Call for contributions
- iMapp Bucharest 2015 Video-mapping Competition
- Indaba2015
- International Conference "Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity"
- International Conference - BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: The Role of Theater Festivals in The International Cultural Relations
- International Conference MEDIA ARCHAEOLOGY
- International Conference on the Future of Culture
- International Entrepreneurship in the Arts: Online Survey
- International Fund for Cultural Diversity: Fifth Call for Funding Requests
- International Fund for Cultural Diversity: Fifth Call for Funding Requests
- International Fund for the Promotion of Culture - Open Call 2016
- Interview with dr. Vesna Čopič
- Japanese government scholarship MEXT for for Teacher-Training Program for 2015
- Japanese government scholarship MEXT for professional development for lecturers in 2015
- Künstlerhaus Lukas Residence Scholarships
- Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral Residency for Visual Artists
- La Rencontre de Mons 2015
- Looking for a partner in Italy for EU projects?
- Mapping Your Audience
- Marx, Cinema and the Present Day. University of Central Lancashire
- Med Culture - Three New Open Calls Announced by DDD
- Med Culture: Open Call for Capacity Development Experts in the Field of Culture
- Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and The Crisis of Media
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- Museums Galleries Scotland Conference 2015
- N.I.C.E. AWARD: A European Award for Innovations in Culture and Creativity
- New cycle of the programme "Creative Mentorship"
- New Online Professional Development Workshop: Digital Culture and Cultural Policy
- New PRAXIS is available!
- OcioGune 2015 Forum
- Online Workshop: Cultural Entrepreneurship
- Online-Weiterbidlung MOOC Managing the Arts
- Open Call for Curators in Residence Programme in Vienna
- Open Call International Talent Development
- Open Call to Co-Create TRANSEUROPA Festival 2015
- Open Call: SYNAPSE – The International Curators’ Network (Germany)
- Panel: Innovative Cultural Policy
- Pilot Cities 2015-2017
- Presentation of the Serbian national report - Kulturlogue project
- Presentation tour of the Platform!
- Prof. Milena Dragićević Šešić: A collaborative, human and community engaging angle on cultural policy and management
- PROJECT APPLICATION: Istropolitana Project 2014 - Invitation
- Public debate on Law on Culture changes and additions
- Publication: East European Politics, vol. 30, no. 4
- Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy
- RE-DO, a Conference on Sustainability and Culture's Role in Sustainable Futures - Call for Papers
- Regional Studies Association China Conference 2015 - Call for Papers
- Rethinking Cultural Diplomacy in the Era of Globalization and the Internet
- Rethinking the Region & Regionalism in Australasia: Challenges & Opportunities for the 21st Century
- Rethinking the Region and Regionalism in Australasia
- Re|Shaping Cultural Policies
- Sea of Words Writing Contest: 8th Edition Launched
- SEAAA alliance for artistic and cultural mobility South Europe, Arab world, Asia, Australia
- Second International Conference on Cultural Relations in Europe and the Mediterranean
- SEE Regional Forum of UNESCO Chairs & UNITWIN | 12-13 June 2013 | Istanbul, Turkey
- SIEF2015 12th Congress: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century
- STIFF - Student International Film Festival - Rijeka, Croatia - Application Open
- Strast do menjav med kulturnimi direktorji / Passion for changes in positions of directors of cultural institutions
- Summer School on Fashion Management
- Summer School: A.U.K. Summer Program 2015 in Kosovo
- Summer School: Museum, Storytelling and Digital Media
- TANDEM / SHAML Partnership Forum
- Tandem Shaml - Cultural Managers Exchange - Open Call
- Testing innovative methods to evaluate cultural and creative spillovers in Europe
- The 12th annual Assembly of Compendium Experts
- The 4th European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity, and Economy
- The ARCH Project
- The Best in Heritage 2015
- The characteristics and place of contemporary Political/Participatory theatre as practice of development and resistance
- The Emerald Initiative (Taiwan): Grants for Cultural Exchanges and Collaborative Projects with Personnel from Southeast Asia
- The European Diploma in Cultural Project Management 2014/2015
- The future of arts funding – live webchat
- The Golden Wall
- The International Conference on Social Media for Good
- The International Symposium on Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage
- THEATRE IN CONTEXT - Bitef Polyphony 2015 - Call for Papers
- UNESCO - Culture and Development Seminar
- UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management - MA Study Program Presentation
- UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management Presentation in Zagreb, Croatia
- UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade - 2015 Applications
- UNESCO Chairs Coordination Meeting
- UNESCO International Fund for the Promotion of Culture - Call for Proposals 2015 is Open
- UNESCO Survey on the Status of the Artist
- UNICULT 2020 The International Arts & Culture and Policy Programme
- unicult2020 Website launched
- Unicult2020: The International Arts & Cultural Management and Policy Programme
- Unite4Heritage: Cultural Diversity and Attack. Protecting Heritage for Peace
- United Nations Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights - Call for Applications
- University of Alberta School for Ethnographic Sensibility in Belgrade
- Urban Management and Cultural Policy of City
- What are the Arts and Management common fields?
- World Cities Culture Forum - policy briefing
- World Heritage in Europe Today
- Current Research
- PhD Theses
- MA Theses
- Articles
- Student Papers
- A. Srakar: Ekonomsko vrednotenje umetniških dogodkov: umetnost med trgom in državo / Economic Valorization of Art Events: Art Between Market and State
- Access to Culture - Policy Analysis - Croatian Country Report
- Ahmetović, Jasna, Jeunesses Musicales and the Development of Musical Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015
- Ančić, Ivana, World Music Festivals – Unity оf Diversity аs Intercultural Challenge, 2008
- Andreeva, Bistra, Street Art in Bulgaria – Past, Present and Possible Future, 2008
- Antić, Tatjana, Industrial Heritage Objects as New Centers of Art and Culture, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2009
- Art Under Threat
- Avramovic, Jovana, Art Education; Programs and Models (Comparative Analysis: Serbia, Croatia, France, Finland)
- Babić, Aleksandar, New Media and Audience Development. Engaging the Digital Generation, 2011
- Bastajić, Marja, Identity and Vision: Designing Marketing Strategies for Art Museums in Serbia, 2008
- Beljanski, Natali, Shunting station, Novi Sad. The State of Art and Technology, 2011
- Bjelanović, Tanja, Master thesis, Cultural and Arts Projects as a Tool for Intercultural Understanding: Case Study the Intercultural Art Camp – Kosjerić, 2008
- Blotas, Gaïa, When the Carrot is not a Paycheck. Motivation of Volunteers as a Tool to Improve Festival Management, 2013
- Bodrožić, Nataša, Development of the Independent Cultural Sector in Croatia, 2010
- Bratfanof, Florentina, How Euroimage’s Objectives are Fulfilled from the Action of Co-Producing Serbian Movies?, 2008
- Bratu, Andreea, Cultural Events as Means of Building the Image of the Balkan Countries. Case Study: The Festival “Europe XXL” Lille 2009, 2009
- Brzaković, Mirjana, Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Serbia – Analysis of the Current State of Affairs and Policy Recommendations, 2015
- Bursać, Bojana, Identifying and Creating the Identity of Belgrade, 2006
- Ćiprijanović, Dragana, Architecture in the field of cultural policies, 2014
- Ćirić, Miloš, Cultural Diplomacy in Serbia – Comparative Analysis of Strategies and Practices of Different Ministries of Culture in Period 2001-2013, 2013
- COST Action "Investigating Cultural Sustainability" Final Report: Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development
- COST Action "Investigating Cultural Sustainability" Final Report: Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development
- COST Action IS1007 (2011–2015) Investigating Cultural Sustainability
- Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe
- Cultural Policy Index (Index construction and multivariate analysis in high-dimensional environments: Application to a cultural-policy index)
- Cultural Routes Management: From Theory to Practice
- Cvetković, Marijana, Reform Of Serbian Museums Through Contemporary Art Projects, 2006
- Cvijović, Ljubica, Analysis of Value System in Serbia as a Basic Assumption of Promotion of National Cultural Identity. Case Study: Project "Back to the Future", 2013
- Danić, Marija, Sustainability of the Projects of the Serbian Independent Cultural Scene Previously Supported by the Swedish Cultural Counsellor, 2014
- Daniolo, Paola, Trans-National Cultural Cooperation as a Priority of State’s Involvement (Mutual Exchange and Enrichment Across Boundaries), 2010
- Dimitrijević Mišković, Marija, International Support for the Arts and Culture in the Western Balkans, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2011
- Divjak, Tatjana, Intercultural Dialogue Between Muslim Majority and Jewish Minority: Case Study Contemporary Jewish Identity in Turkey, 2008
- Dotlić, Dina, Greek Cultural Presence in Belgrade: Experiences from the Near Past and Perspectives for the Future, 2008
- Dragić, Ana, Designing the Model of THE festival - Festival as a Cohesive Element and Way to Connect Cultural Organizers and Artists in Serbia and Kosovo, 2015
- Dragic, Ana, Intercultural Dialogue: Actors, Strategies, Programs (A Comparative Analysis of Spain, Italy, Croatia and Macedonia)
- Dragicevic Sesic, Milena, Theater, Public Space and City Identity – Memory Politics as a Challenge of Preserving Belgrade Multicultural Identity
- Dragojevic Sanjin, Jordi Pascual i Ruiz - Guide to Citizen Participation in Local Cultural Policy Development for European Cities
- Drecun, Sofija, Internet Based Religions. Alternative and Deregulated Systems of Beliefs in New Media Environment, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2012
- Drljević, Bojana, Classical Music Marketing Strategies: Marketing in Serbia, Utility and Success thereof, 2008
- Dunjić, Tina, Festivals as Generators of Knowledge, 2011
- Economic Effects of Cultural and Creative Sector(s): Evidence from Input-Output Analysis
- Elezović, Ivana, Potentials of Cultural Exchange Between Serbia and PR China, 2009
- Escobar Saldivar, Omar Gerardo, From Sand Castles to Cultural Attractions: Strategies for a Sustainable Creative Tourism Industry in the Mexican World Heritage Cities, 2012
- Escobar Saldivar, Omar Gerardo, New Technologies and Cultural Policies (Comparative Analysis: Sweden, Spain, Russia and Serbia)
- Faki, Vasiliki, Cultural Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas. Case Study: Greece, 2012
- Floarea, Bianca, Reinventing the City: Outlook on Bucharest’s Cultural Policy, 2007
- Fuertes Mato, Laura, Intercultural Dialogue in the City of Derry/Londonderry: Openness Indicators and Practical Advice for Cultural Mediation Projects, 2012
- Gajić, Marija, Marketing in Arts and Culture: Innovative tools and their Use and Potential in the Field of Classical Music, 2010
- Gligorijević, Barbara, Applying New Technologies for Promotion of Culture and Arts, 2008
- Glivetić, Dragana, Social Mission of Museums through Cultural Tourism Development, 2007
- Gnjatović, Milena, Problems of Museum's Image Building During Museum's (Re)construction, 2014
- Gonzalez, Axel, City, Narratives and Culture(s): A Comparative Inquiry on (Counter-)Culture in Belgrade and Barcelona, 2015
- Grubački, Isidora, The Image of Socialist Yugoslavia in Contemporary Museum Representations, 2015
- Gunjić, Lana, Cultural Heritage as an Agent of Local Community and Cultural Tourism Development. Case Study: Bač, 2015
- Gvozdenović, Nataša, Private investment and Corporate Philanthropy – Underused Source of Funding for Arts and Culture in BiH, 2011
- Hrab, Anca, Making museums participative places. Inter-sectorial linkage as an instrument to shape museums in Romania as an area of active participation, 2014
- Ivanović Spinneker, Olivera, Presence Of Japanese Culture on Serbian Cultural Scene: Analysis of Key Factors in Cultural Cooperation, 2008
- Janković, Jelena, Place of the Classical Music Festivals in a Transitional Society, 2006
- Janković, Nevena, Cultural Districts and their Role in the Revitalization of the City, 2010
- Jelenković, Dunja, Documentary Film Festivals: Programming Issues and Organizing Problems, 2008
- Joksimović, Dobrila, From Culture to Creative Europe. CCP Serbia Office – Lessons learned, 2012
- Joksimović, Radmila, The Usage of Document and Principles of Archive in Contemporary Art Works and Contemporary Art Exhibitions: a Challenge to Mediation, 2009
- Kačakova, Violeta, The Mechanisms of Financing the Film Industry in Macedonia, 2007
- Kisić, Višnja, Volunteering in Museums in Serbia - between Social Contribution and Misunderstanding, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2010
- Klaic, Dragan, Surviving the Culture Shock Cultural Shock. Cultural Institutions Facing Globalization and Multiculturalism
- Koštica, Dragana, Museum marketing: usage of social media marketing in the promotion of Belgrade museums, 2014
- Kostova, Aleksandra, Human Resource Management in Public Cultural Institutions: Lifelong Learning of Employees in Jugokoncert, 2012
- Kovačić, Nedeljko, The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Sustainable Cultural Communities, 2015
- Kronja, Selma, Project on the Museum of Fashion Establishment – Following the Clothing as a Cultural Phenomenon in the Balkans Since the 18th Century, 2008
- Krstanović, Snežana, Urban Regeneration and Local Cultural Policy, 2006
- Kujundžić, Kristina, Contribution of Civil Organizations to Development of Cultural Policies, 2010
- Lalović, Jelena, Rural tourism as a main factor of economic development of the southeast Serbia, 2014
- Leuba, Nađa, Art and Politics: the Case of the Exhibition “Exception – Contemporary Art Scene from Pristina” in Belgrade, 2008
- Linin, Lea, Symbol Bearers and their Utilization in Constructing Skopje’s Identity, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2012
- Lončarević, Dijana, Effective Leadership – Leading with Emotional Intelligence (EI), 2013
- Lukić, Kristina, The Role of Classical Music Festivals – Possibilities and Outcomes in Serbia Today, 2011
- M. Breznik: Kulturni revizionizem. Kultura med neoliberalizmom in socialno odgovorno politiko / Cultural revisionism. Culture between neoliberalism and socially responsible politics
- Malić, Ivan, New Program Orientation of Belgrade String Orchestra “Dusan Skovran”: Implementation of Adaptable Quality Management in Circumstances of Transition, 2010
- Mandić, Sara, Development of Musical Theater. Potentials and Obstacles, 2011
- Manolache, Andreea, Rediscovering Mangalia, Drafting the Cultural Policy for the City of Mangalia, 2008
- Marić, Tina, Crowdfunding Platforms for Creative Projects. Implementation of Crowdfunding Model in Curatorial Practice, 2014
- Marić, Vesna, Festivals, Cultural Citizenship and Cultural Policy, 2013
- Marković, Maja, Gender Policy Issues in the Field of Culture in Serbia – Analysis of Legislation, Mechanisms and Policy Implementation with Recommendations for Further Development, 2011
- Martinović, Jelena, Cultural Policy vs. Labor Market: Career Opportunities for Graduated Fine Arts Students in Serbia, 2007
- Mašić, Mia, Hrvatska kulturna diplomatija - nove prakse u procesu pridruživanja EU, 2014
- Matejić, Julija, Music in Public Space, 2009
- Matković, Vjera, Contemporary Artistic Project as Generator of Cultural Tourism and Local Development. Case Study - Museum of Broken Relationships, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2009
- Matziropoulou, Theodora, Exercise in Cultural Citizenship between Individual and Collective, 2013
- Medin, Dušan, Cultural Scene Actors in Petrovac na Moru (Montenegro): their Past and Current Situation with Possible Strategies for Further Development, 2015
- Milenović Popović, Ivana, Engaged Theatre as a Tool for Mediation. Case Study DAH Theatre Research Centre, 2013
- Miljević, Srđan, Art behind Bars (Participation and Consumption of Cultural Activities in Detention and Rehabilitation Centers in Serbia), 2016
- Miron, Mihaela, The Role and Mission of Arts In Sustainable Urban Development. Arts in Public Spaces and Citizens Participation in the Development of New European Cities such as Bucharest, 2009
- Mixová, Michaela, Shared Policy Making - Involvement of Civil Society Organizations in Cultural Policy, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2011
- Negojević, Nevena, Between Destruction, Oblivion and Assimilation. Perception of and Dealing with the Ottoman Heritage in Serbia, 2015
- Nikolić Lalić, Slobodanka, Modeli prezentacije nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa u funkciji razvoja kulturnog turizma u Bosni i Hercegovini, 2010
- Novković, Milica, Business Support for the Arts and Culture: In Search of Strategic Solutions, 2011
- Palacios Gonzalez, Daniel, From Democratization of Culture to Cultural Democracy: Comparing Different Types of Community Sociocultural Centers in Madrid, 2015
- Panagea, Athanasia, Photography and the Society: How to Mediate Art of Photography to Different Target Groups, 2008
- Prica, Nataša, Past Perfect or Unbearable Present. The Framework of Doctrine of Sustainable Development through Architecture as Cultural Heritage, 2009
- Radaković, Tatjana, Kulturna politika i muzejski PR u Srbiji, 2008
- Radišić, Slavica, Public Art: Public Art Policy and Legal and Financial Policy Instruments, 2007
- Radosavljević, Emily, Regimes of Public Memory: The Symbolic Landscapes of post-Yugoslav Transiton, 2013
- Radošević, Ljiljana, Making the Intangible Tangible: Formulating Strategies and Policies for Intangible Heritage Preservation, Case Study Serbia, 2007
- Radovanović, Radmila, Engaging Museum Collections in Serbia: Instruments to Allow More Artefacts Available to the Public, 2011
- Rakanović, Lana, The Change of Use for Cultural Heritage Purpose. Case Study: Hotel Staro zdanje, 2012
- Report of the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Cultural Heritage
- Report on the Ecology of Culture Launched
- Re|Shaping Cultural Policies
- Ross, Tiffany, In Defense of the Search for Beauty: Using Nonobjective Aesthetic Education for Future Cultural Participants, 2014
- Rusalić, Dragana, Making the Intangible Tangible: Formulating Strategies and Policies for Intangible Heritage Preservation, 2007
- Rusu, Stefan, The Artist – Curator Phenomenon in the Expanding Art World, 2010
- Samardžić, Ivana, Models of Managing Archaeological Sites: Case Study Archaeological Site Iustiniana Prima, 2015
- Savić, Milica, Examining Contemporary Art Practices through the Conduct of Cultural Diplomacy. Case Study: Serbia, 2014
- Sekulić, Aleksandra, Archive as a Contemporary Cultural Form: Creating Video Archives and Databases, 2008
- Simon, Myriam, “Chronicle in Stone” – a Concept for the Gjirokastra City Museum, 2011
- Simović, Natalija, The Importance of Private Sector for the Development of Independent Art Groups on Local Level, 2007
- Skoko, Marija, Artist-run Initiatives. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Informal Model in Societies in Transition, 2011
- Slavković, Mirjana, Mediation of memory of socialist past – Dealing with nostalgia and politics of oblivion: case study Museum of Yugoslav History, 2010
- Spasova, Cveta, The State of Cultural Cooperation Between the Western Balkan Countries, 2008
- Stamenković, Marko, Status of Curatorial Practices in the Postsocialist Condition, 2005
- Stanković, Bojana, Opera Houses Facing the Global Economic Crisis. Adaptable Managerial Strategies, 2011
- Stevanović, Ivan, The Importance of Funding for the Realization of the Social Role of Museums: A Comparative Study of the Museum of Science and Technology and the Museum of Nikola Tesla, 2011
- Stoeva, Mila, Nongovermental Cultural Sector in Bulgaria: Fund raising, Management Capacity and Involvment in the Cultural Policy Development, 2007
- Stojanović, Andrijana, Marketing Оpportunities for Digital Collections in the University Libraries in Serbia: Competences of the Employees and Recommendations, 2014
- Stojanović, Sandra, Showcase of Innovation in Building Audiences for Artistic Events: Third Belgrade, 2013
- Strugar, Tanja, Gastronomy as a Tool in Cultural Diplomacy and Nation-Branding in Serbia, 2014
- Subotić, Dubravka, Museum as Contact Point, 2014
- Tadić, Dimitrije, Building Perspectives in Visual Art: Civil Sector and the Ministry of Culture, 2011
- Tanurovska, Biljana, New Models of Institutions and Reforms of Cultural Policy through Regional Contemporary Dance, 2007
- Tanurovska, Biljana, New Models of Institutions and Reforms of Cultural Policy, 2007
- Tasoti, Maria, Urban Imagery - Street Art (Graffiti) as a Public Cultural Landscape, 2008
- The Value of Writers' Works
- The Warwick Commission's Final Report: "Enriching Britain: Culture, Creativity and Growth"
- Timotijević, Snežana, Public Event as a Generator of Social Value Changes: Case Study – Кaludjerica, 2012
- Todorović, Milena, New Forms of the Theatre for Children (Recommendations for Belgrade Theatres Little Theatre Duško Radović and Boško Buha), 2012
- Tomka, Goran, Connecting with the Audience. Implementing Crowdsourcing In Praxis of Serbian Cultural Organizations, University of Arts in Belgrade, 2011
- Trifyllis, Apostolos, The Multicultural Pendulum of Par Excellence Cosmopolitan Alexandria, 2008
- Tsiviltidou, Zoi, Storytelling and Urban Collective Consciousness: An Organic Brew of Participatory Creativity, 2012
- Varoši, Viktor, State support to intercultural dialogue between cultural minorities and Serbian dominant culture in the multicultural environment of AP Vojvodina, 2012
- Veljanovska, Marija, Importance of Electronic Media in Expanding and Promoting Official Cultural Policy (with Special Reference to the Republic of France and TV5 Monde), 2008
- Vesna Čopič, Andrej Srakar: "Cultural governance: a literature review"
- Vlachou, Christina, The role of Creative Industries in the City’s Development: The Case of Thessaloniki, 2012
- Vlajić, Ada, The Role of Interpretation in the Development of Tourist Attractiveness of the Archaeological Site Felix Romuliana, 2012
- Vranić, Nataša, Role of Networks in Cultural Cooperation. Case Study: Asocijacija Nezavisne Kulturne Scene Srbije, 2013
- Vranić, Tanja, Culture and Development: Digital/New Media Arts in Developing Countries and International Support to it, 2009
- Vučenović, Nikolina, The Radio of Tomorrow: Innovative Concepts of Web Radio. Funding Models, Active Audience and Programming, 2014
- Vuković, Ana, Photography and Cultural Memory: Artistic reflection of Post-Yugoslav Transition, 2014
- Vuletić, Sara, Reception of Royal Opera House Muscat and its Impact on Citizens of Oman, 2012
- Western Balkans: regional art market, and not a fiction?
- World Heritage in Europe Today
- Zajec, Špela, Cultural Policy and Cultural Diversity in South Eastern Europe: the Case of Roma as a Trans-border Ethnic and Cultural Group – A Perspective from Slovenia, 2007
- Žujković, Branko, Marketing and Audience Development of Cultural Institutions in Belgrade through Social Networks, 2012
- UNESCO Chairs
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- Aldo Milohnić, PhD
- Alena Lakova, M.Sc.
- Amra Bakšić Čamo
- Ana Martinoli, PhD
- Andrej Srakar, M.Sc
- Boris Ružić, Mag.
- Vesna Milosavljević
- Vesna Čopič, PhD
- Violeta Simjanovska
- Daniela Urem
- Darko Lukić, PhD
- Dejan Iliev, Mag.
- Dinko Klarić, Mag.
- Dušica Dragin, MA
- Edin Jašarović, Mag.
- Igor Vecovski, Mag.
- Inga Tomić-Koludrović, PhD
- Lana Rakanović
- Lea Linin, MA
- Lachezar Bojidarov Antonov, PhD
- Marijana Cvetković, Mag.
- Martin Pančevski
- Milena Dragićević Šešić, PhD
- Mirko Petrić, Mag.
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- Mirjana Nikolić, PhD
- Nada Švob-Đokić, PhD
- Hazim Begagić, PhD
- Nikola Maričić, PhD
- Nina Obuljen Koržinek, PhD
- Sanjin Dragojević, PhD
- Svetlana Jovičić, Mag.
- Svetlana Hristova, PhD
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- art∡ngle - Balkans | Culture | Development
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- Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC)
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- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development
- Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research
- Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Rijeka
- Cultural Tourism
- Cultural Tourism for Peace and Development
- Culture Action Europe newsletter
- Culturelink Network / IMO
- Culturelink Newsletter
- EDUCULT – Institut of Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Emergency Exit Arts (EEA)
- ERSTE Foundation
- European Cultural Foundation
- European Festivals Association (EFA)
- European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
- Faculty of Drama Arts in Cetinje
- Group for the Creative Economy
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Heritage and Urban Studies
- Heritage of the Modern Movement
- Heritage Studies
- ICTs in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage
- IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts
- Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue for South-East Europe
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Studies
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Intercultural Dialogue and Social Studies
- Intercultural Relations and Learning
- Intercultural Studies
- Intercultural Studies and Teacher Education
- Interculturality and human rights
- International Journal of Cultural Policy
- International Law of the Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy
- Konrad Fischer Galerie
- KPY Yearbook
- Management of the Cultural Heritage in the Balkan and Danubian Region
- Memory, Cultures and Interculturality
- Ministry of Culture of Republic Slovenia
- Mladiinfo
- Multilingual, Transcultural Communication in the Digital Age
- Museology and World Heritage
- New Media
- Nomad Dance Academy - NDA
- On the Move (OTM) Newsflash
- Open Arts Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Österreichische Kulturdokumentation newsletter
- Peace, Cultural Development and Cultural Policies
- Performing Arts Centre Multimedia
- Clubture Network
- Sofia Development Association
- Southeast European Studies
- Station - Service for Contemporary Dance
- The Centre for Empirical Cultural Studies of South-East Europe - CECS
- The ENCATC Newsletter
- The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Journal of Cultural Policy
- The Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
- TkH - Walking Theory [theoretical-artistic platform]
- We Are More News
- World Cultural and Urban Landscapes
- Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans)
- Faculty of Arts at Southwest University, Department of Culture Studies
- Events Calendar
- Events List
- " Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and The Crisis of Media"
- " Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and The Crisis of Media"
- " Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and The Crisis of Media"
- "A World without Walls": Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity"
- "Sustainable Economies, Sustainable Technologies, Sustainable Industries "
- 15th International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XV)
- 15th International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XV)
- 16th International Conference of National Trusts
- 18th International Conference on Cultural Economics
- 2 Creative Economy Forum: Cultural Heritage - Challanges in Creative Economy
- 2015 International Symposium on Cultural Trajectories
- 2016 Forum on European Culture - ReCreating Europe
- 23rd ENCATC Annual Conference
- 2nd International Danube Conference on Culture
- 2nd International Danube Conference on Culture
- 2nd World Culture Forum - Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet
- 3rd International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries
- 7th ELIA Leadership Symposium
- 81st PEN International Congress
- 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research
- Application deadline: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
- Application deadline: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
- Atelier BUDAPEST 2016
- Atelier GWANGJU 2015: Call for applications
- Balkan Museum Network - second annual conference "Meet, See, Do"
- Balkan Museum Network - second annual conference "Meet, See, Do"
- Balkan Museum Network - second annual conference "Meet, See, Do"
- BalticSTE 2015 Symposium
- Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Diagnosis Seminar
- Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Diagnosis Seminar
- Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Operation Workshop
- Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Operation Workshop
- Berlin Conference 2015
- CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - 8th InShadow: International Festival of Video, Performance and Technologies
- CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - Unicult2020: The International Arts & Cultural Management and Policy Programme
- CALL FOR PAPERS - Paradigms of Cultural Changes: From Fragment to the Whole
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference - BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: The Role of Theater Festivals in The International Cultural Relations
- CALL FOR PAPERS Interpret Europe conference 2014 Heritage Interpretation and Tourism - Enhancing the tourist's experience and benefitting host communities
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for papers: Culture, market and society
- Call for Presentations: Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity
- CALL FOR PROPOSALS - UNESCO Global Report ‘Re|Shaping Cultural Policies’ 2017
- CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2016 International Fund for the Promotion of Culture 2016
- Call for Proposals for MuseumNext 2015
- Call for Researchers - Institute of Leisure Studies (Bilbao, Spain)
- CfA Dragan Klaić Fellowship (student scholarship)
- CfA UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade
- Conference - The Best in Heritage 2016
- Conference Creative Europe Programme 2014 – 2020
- Conference Creative Europe Programme 2014 – 2020
- Conference Creative Europe Programme 2014 – 2020
- Conference: Beyond Romani Stereotypes: Voicing Romani Pluralities
- Conference: Migration in and out of East and Southeast Europe - Values, Networks, Well-Being. Regensburg, 2-4 July 2015
- Cultural Fellowships in Russia
- Culture and Sustainable Development at Times of Crisis - deadline for abstracts
- Culture and Sustainable Development at Times of Crisis - Conference
- Culture and Sustainable Development at Times of Crisis - Conference
- Culturelink International Conference - Deadline
- Deadline - STIFF - Student International Film Festival
- Deadline for sending pre-selected projects to the UNESCO Secretariat for evaluation - International Fund for Cultural Diversity: Fifth Call for Funding Requests
- Deadline for the Dragan Klaić Fellowship (student scholarship)
- Deadline for the Dragan Klaić Fellowship (student scholarship)
- Debate "Why Cultural Policies" and promotion of the book "Towards New Cultural Policies"
- Digital Heritage 2015 International Congress
- Dresden Summer School 2016
- E-Capital Culture - Adriatic Start-up School
- E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy: Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
- East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) - Small Grants Programme
- ENCATC Annual Conference 2013
- ENCATC Annual Conference 2013 - Registration open
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- European Heritage Congress
- European Media Artists in Residence Exchange 2016
- Extended paper deadline!
- Falling Walls Lab Austria, application deadline
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Fifth International Research Conference in Georgia for MA and PHD Students
- Fifth International Research Conference in Georgia for MA and PHD Students - deadline for abstracts
- Fifth International Research Conference in Georgia for MA and PHD Students - deadline for full papers
- Filming Locations Conference
- Focusing on exciting cities - debate
- For and Against Models of Official Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- Global Cultures of Contestation
- IACCM 2015 Conference
- Ida Hiršenfelder: Endless Plane. The dimensions of video space and the art of projection
- Indaba2015
- Innovating in the Cultural Sector: Appreciating the Past and Creating Jobs for the Future
- International Conference "Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity"
- International Conference - BITEF and Cultural Diplomacy: The Role of Theater Festivals in The International Cultural Relations
- International Conference MEDIA ARCHAEOLOGY
- International Conference MEDIA ARCHAEOLOGY
- International Conference on the Future of Culture
- International Summer School - Intangible Cultural Heritage Research & Management
- Japanese government scholarship MEXT for Teacher-Training Program for 2015
- Kraków and the World
- Kraków and the World
- La Rencontre de Mons 2015
- Let's Talk About: UniCult 2020
- Mapping Your Audience – webinar
- Marx, Cinema and the Present Day. University of Central Lancashire
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- Museum of African Art - Afro Festival
- Museums Galleries Scotland Conference 2015
- New cycle of the programme "Creative Mentorship"
- OcioGune 2015 Forum
- Open Call: SYNAPSE – The International Curators’ Network (Germany)
- Panel: Innovative Cultural Policy
- Paper deadline!
- Performing Arts Management Today Conference
- Presentation of the CPM Platform
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Serbian national report - Kulturlogue project
- Public debate on Law on Culture changes and additions
- Public debate on Law on Culture changes and additions
- Public debate on Law on Culture changes and additions
- Publication: East European Politics, vol. 30, no. 4
- Publication: East European Politics, vol. 30, no. 4
- Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy
- RE-DO, a Conference on Sustainability and Culture's Role in Sustainable Futures
- Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe
- Regional Studies Association China Conference 2015
- Rethinking Cultural Diplomacy in the Era of Globalization and the Internet
- Rethinking the Region & Regionalism in Australasia: Challenges & Opportunities for the 21st Century
- Rethinking the Region and Regionalism in Australasia
- Re|Shaping Cultural Policies
- Satellite Paris 2016
- Satellite Paris 2016
- SEAAA alliance for artistic and cultural mobility South Europe, Arab world, Asia, Australia
- SEAAA alliance for artistic and cultural mobility South Europe, Arab world, Asia, Australia
- SEAAA savez za umetničku i kulturnu mobilnost Jugoistočne Evrope, Arapskog sveta, Azije, Australije
- SEAAA savez za umetničku i kulturnu mobilnost Jugoistočne Evrope, Arapskog sveta, Azije, Australije
- Second International Conference on Cultural Relations in Europe and the Mediterranean
- SEE Regional Forum of UNESCO Chairs & UNITWIN | 12-13 June 2013 | Istanbul, Turkey
- SIEF2015 12th Congress: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century
- Summer School on Fashion Management
- Summer School on Value of Culture
- Summer School: A.U.K. Summer Program 2015 in Kosovo
- Summer School: Museum, Storytelling and Digital Media
- Symposium on Management of Drama Arts and Media - Challenges of the 21st century!
- Testing innovative methods to evaluate cultural and creative spillovers in Europe - deadline
- The 12th annual Assembly of Compendium Experts
- The 4th European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity, and Economy
- The 4th European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity, and Economy
- The Best in Heritage 2015
- The characteristics and place of contemporary Political/Participatory theatre as practice of development and resistance
- The Emerald Initiative (Taiwan): Grants for Cultural Exchanges and Collaborative Projects with Personnel from Southeast Asia
- The future of arts funding – live webchat
- The Golden Wall
- The Golden Wall
- The International Conference on Social Media for Good
- The International Conference on Social Media for Good
- The International Symposium on Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage
- The International Symposium on Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage
- The International Symposium on Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage
- THEATRE IN CONTEXT - Bitef Polyphony 2015
- TRANSEUROPA Festival 2015
- UNESCO Chair - Application Deadline
- UNESCO Chair - Application Deadline
- UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management - MA Study Program Presentation
- UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade - 2015 Applications - June Deadline
- UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade - 2015 Applications - September Deadline
- UNESCO Coordination Meeting of Category 2 institutes and UNITWIN Networks/UNESCO Chairs related to Culture
- Unite4Heritage: Cultural Diversity and Attack. Protecting Heritage for Peace
- University of Alberta School for Ethnographic Sensibility in Belgrade
- Vote for the Public Choice Award and win a trip to Madrid!
- Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum
- Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum - Deadline
- Videos
- Online Stream
- Podcasts
- A portrait of Teodor Celakoski - 2014 ECF Princess Margriet Award Laureate
- A talk with Prof. Dr. Lidia Varbanova
- Aleksandar Brkic - the winner of the 2011 CPRA (ENCATC)
- Cultural Policy and the City
- Economic estimation of the value of culture
- Goran Tomka for Culture Forum
- Growing somewhere
- Helene Larsson - Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade - lecture
- Interview: Dr. Lidia Varbanova answers the questions: What is the current state of cultural networks?
- Managing Culture, Imagining the Future
- prof. Milena Dragicevic Sesic, PhD :: Belgrade - implicite cultural policies - Part 1
- prof. Milena Dragicevic Sesic, PhD :: Belgrade - implicite cultural policies - Part 2
- prof. Milena Dragicevic Sesic, PhD :: Belgrade - implicite cultural policies - Part 3
- What is a Performance Curator Part 1
- e-Library
- Tutorials
- Aldo Milohnić, Nada Švob-Đokić - Cultural Transitions in Southeastern Europe Cultural Identity Politics in the (Post-)Transitional Societies
- Compendium Serbia
- DANCE / THEORIES — Reloaded
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Shared Policies: Future of Democratic Cultural Development. New models of partnership between the public, private and civil sector
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Theater, public space and city identity – memory politics as a challenge in preserving Belgrade’s multicultural identity
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena and Dragojević, Sanjin - Intercultural Mediation
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena and Suteu, Corina - Mapping Cultural Cooperation in SEE
- Milena Dragićević Šešić, Sanjin Dragojević - Arts management in turbulent times
- Nomad Dance Academy Publication
- Social Media and Events Report
- Staff exchange manual
- Staff exchange manual
- Strengthening the Governance of Culture to Unlock Development Opportunities
- The Present [NOMAD Dance Academy publication 2011/2012]
- World Cities Culture Report
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- Intervju
- Projekti
- "Kulturа i održivost u evropskim grаdovimа: zаmišljаnje Europolisа" i "Teorijа i prаksа nаsleđа i održivosti"
- "Svet bez zidova": Mogućnosti za građenje mira u vremenu opšte nesigurnosti
- 15. Međunarodna konferencija o jezicima manjina (ICML XV)
- 16. međunarodna konferencija nacionalnih trustova
- 2 Forum kreativne ekonomije: Kulturno nasleđe – izazovi u kreativnoj ekonomiji
- 7. ELIA simpozijum o liderstvu
- 8. literarni konkurs Sea of Words
- Afro festival u Muzeju afričke umetnosti
- Artistic Mobility Alliance Initiative
- Atelje KVANGDŽU 2015: Konkurs
- Balkanska mreža muzeja: konferencija "Moram, vidim, uradiću"
- Berlinska konferencija 2015
- Berlinska umetnička grant klinika: Dijagnostički seminar
- Berlinska umetnička grant klinika: Operaciona radionica
- Beyond Reality Inc
- Budućnost finansiranja umetnosti - webchat
- Časopis KULTURA: prijem novih tekstova
- Četvrti evropski kolokvijum o kulturi, kreativnosti i ekonomiji
- CRACOW LANDSCAPE CONFERENCE 2016 - Poziv za prijavu radova
- Craft Research Fund - Grantovi za 2015. godinu
- Druga Dunavska konferencija o kulturi
- Druga međunarodna konferencija o kulturnim odnosima u Evropi i na Mediteranu
- E-Capital Culture - Jadranska start-up škola - Konkurs za ideje 2015
- ENCATC - 23. godišnja konferencija
- Evaluacija kulturnih politika i programa promocije kulturnog diverziteta i interkulturnog dijaloga na Zapadnom Balkanu/Jugoistočnoj evropi, koji su finansirani od strane EU
- Evropska ekspertska mreža za kulturu i audiovizuelni sektor (EENCA)
- Evropska konferencija IMAM LI PRAVO NA UMETNOST?
- Evropska prestonica kulture 2021 - Poziv za prijave
- Festival Nakultiviši se!
- Festival Š.U.N.D.
- Festival tolerancije
- Festival TRANSEUROPA 2015 - Poziv za učestvovanje
- Forum mladih istraživača u Beču
- Forum OcioGune 2015
- Forum za održive zajednice 2015
- Gde je naša publika: imamo li potrebu za kulturom?
- Globalne kulture osporavanja
- Gorući problemi kulture
- IETM istraživanje - Fresh Perspectives ‘Arts and environment’ - Poziv
- iMapp Bukurešt 2015 - Konkurs za video-mapiranje
- In Memoriam: prof. dr Dejan Kosanović (1930 – 2013)
- Indaba2015
- Intervju sa dr. Vesnom Čopič
- Izlaganje Gorana Tomke na Evropskom forumu za kulturu
- Javna rasprava o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o kulturi
- Ključni problem - nerazumevanje kulture
- Konferencija FUTURE TALKS 015
- Konferencija IACCM 2015
- Konferencija La Rencontre de Mons 2015
- Konferencija Muzeji i galerije Škotske 2015
- Konferencija o filmskim lokacijama: Poziv za prijavu radova
- Konferencija Program Kreativna Evropa 2014 – 2020: Srbija i perspektive evropske saradnje
- Konferencija Regional Studies Association - Kina 2015: Poziv za prijavu radova
- Konferencija Unite4Heritage: Cultural Diversity and Attack. Protecting Heritage for Peace
- Konferencija – Pitanje sećanja
- Konferencija: Izvan romskih stereotipa. Oglašavanje romskih većina
- Konferencija: Migracija u i iz Istočne i Jugoistočne Evrope – vrednosti, mreže, dobrobit. Regensburg, 2-4. jul 2015.
- Konkurs - Međunarodni razvoj talenata
- Konkurs LabCitoyen 2016
- Konkurs za kustose - rezidencijalni program u Beču
- Konkurs za studentske radove Otvorenog univerziteta
- Konkurs: SYNAPSE - Međunarodna mreža kustosa (Nemačka)
- Kreativno mentorstvo 2016
- Krizni rezultati Konkursa Ministarstva kulture za savremeno stvaralaštvo u 2013.
- Kulturne stipendije u Rusiji
- Kulturа i održivi rаzvoj u dobа krize - internacionalni naučni skup
- Kulturа i održivi rаzvoj u dobа krize - produžen rok za prijavu!
- Künstlerhaus Lukas rezidencijalne stipendije
- Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral rezidencijalni program za vizuelne umetnike
- Let's talk about: unicult2020 w/ Chris Torch, prezentacija programa
- Letnja škola: A.U.K. letnji program na Kosovu
- Letnja škola: Muzej, pripovedanje i digitalni mediji
- Letnja umetnička škola Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu
- Mapiranje publike
- Marks, bioskop i sadašnjost. Univerzitet Centralnog Lankašira
- Med Culture - DDD - Tri nova javna konkursa
- Med Culture: Konkurs za eksperte za razvoj kapaciteta u oblasti kulture
- Mediji protiv demokracije? - Komercijalizacija interneta i kriza medija
- MEXT 2016 - Stipendije Vlade Japana
- Međunarodna konferencija "Pozorište između tradicije i savremenosti"
- Međunarodna konferencija - BITEF i kulturna diplomatija: uloga pozorišnih festivala u međunarodnim kulturnim odnosima
- Međunarodna konferencija MEDIJSKA ARHEOLOGIJA
- Međunarodna konferencija o budućnosti kulture
- Međunarodna konferencija o društvenim medijima i dobroti
- Međunarodni časopis "Localities" - Poziv za prijavu radova
- Međunarodni fond za kulturnu raznolikost (UNESCO konkurs)
- Međunarodni fond za kulturnu raznolikost (UNESCO konkurs)
- Međunarodni fond za promociju kulture - Konkurs 2016
- Međunarodni kongres Digitalno nasleđe 2015
- Međunarodni simpozijum o kulturnim putanjama 2015
- Međunarodni simpozijum pravne zaštite kulturnog nasleđa
- Međunarodno preduzetništvo u umetnosti: Onlajn anketa
- Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja - KONKURS za finansiranje umetničkih dela iz oblasti vizuelnih umetnosti za 2015. godinu
- Mogućnosti finansiranja kulturne mobilnosti
- Nagrada N.I.C.E. - Evropska nagrada za inovacije u kulturi i kreativnosti
- Nametnuta pozicija nemoći
- NKSS: Ponižavajuća podrška Ministarstva kulture
- Nova onlajn radionica za profesionalni razvoj: Digitalna kultura i kulturna politika
- Novi ciklus programa „KREATIVNO MENTORSTVO”
- Novi ciklus programa „KREATIVNO MENTORSTVO”
- Obrisi strategije kulture
- Od BIFC-a do BAC-a - intervju sa Ketrin Votson iz ECF-a
- Onlajn radionica: Kulturno preduzetništvo
- Online kurs - Creative with Digital Heritage
- Online-Weiterbidlung MOOC menadžment u umetnosti
- Osobine i pozicija savremenog Političkog/Participativnog pozorišta kao prakse razvoja i otpora
- Otkazivanje otkaza
- Otvaranje Media Deska Srbija
- Otvoren konkurs za donacije Fondacije „Jelena Šantić“
- Otvoren konkurs za Nagradu Jelena Šantić. Za hrabri iskorak!
- Otvoreni prvi pozivi za Kreativnu Evropu!
- PEN - 81. međunarodni kongres
- Pilot gradovi 2015-2017
- Postavljanje kulture na njeno mesto u političkoj ekonomiji
- Poziv - Instruktivni seminar Biz&Art - Ka održivim partnerstvima privrede i kulture
- Poziv Fondacije Anna Lindh - "Interkulturne akcije"
- Poziv na konferenciju Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015!
- Poziv na konferenciju MuseumNext 2015
- Poziv za podnošenje predloga za Kolaborativne projekte iz oblasti umetnosti i kulture – COLABs
- Poziv za prijave: Letnja škola vrednovanja kulture
- Poziv za prijavu radova / ENCATC - 6. godišnja istraživačka sesija
- Poziv za prijavu radova: Vizuelnost, zajednica i uticaj u predstavama istorije
- Poziv za radove Međunarodnu koferenciju o umetnosti i kulturnom menadžmentu (AIMAC) 2015
- Poziv za radove: Kultura, tržište i društvo
- Poziv za radove: Međunarodna transdisciplinarna konferencija Kultura/e u održivim budućnostima: teorije, politike, prakse
- Poziv za radove: Upravljanje prostorom uz pomoć kulture: Kritički pristupi korišćenju kulture u regionalnom upravljanju
- POZORIŠTE U KONTEKSTU - Bitef Polifonija 2015 - Poziv za prijavu radova
- Preispitivanje regia i regionalizma u Australiji: Izazovi i mogućnosti za 21. vek
- Prezentacija nacionalnog izveštaja - Kulturlogue projekat
- Prijave za 2. ENCATC Nagradu za istraživanje u oblasti kulturne politike i kulturnog menadžmenta
- Prijavite se za Atelje BUDIMPEŠTA 2016
- Programi elektronskog učenja iz oblasti Kulturne diplomatije: Programi ličnog razvoja iz oblasti Kulturne diplomatije
- Projekat ARCH
- Promišljanje regiona i regionalizma u Australaziji
- Promocija izdanja Zadužbine Andrejević za 2014. godinu
- Promocija knjige dr Milene Dragićević Šešić
- Protest Za kulturu!
- Prvi sat borbe za kulturu
- Publikacija: Istočnoevropska politika, vol.30, no. 4
- Rasprava o kulturnim trgovima u Sloveniji
- RE-DO, konferencija o održivosti i ulozi kulture u održivoj budućnosti - Poziv za prijavu radova
- Regionalni forum UNESCO katedri i UNITWIN-a Jugoistočne Evrope | 12-13 Jun 2013 | Istanbul, Turska
- Rezultati evropskog projekta dokazuju da kulturno nasleđe doprinosi održivom razvoju Evrope
- Re|Shaping Cultural Policies
- SEAAA savez za umetničku i kulturnu mobilnost Jugoistočne Evrope, Arapskog sveta, Azije, Australije
- Seminar UNESCO – Kultura i razvoj
- SIEF 2015 12. Kongres: Utopije, realnosti, nasleđa. Etnografije za 21. vek
- Simpozijum BalticSTE 2015
- Smena ministra kulture
- Sociokulturni kapital
- Španski filmski festival - Španski metar
- Specijalni izvestilac Ujedinjenih nacija u oblasti kulturnih prava - Poziv za prijave
- STIFF - Student International Film Festival - Rijeka, Hrvatska - Prijave Otvorene
- Stipendije Vlade Japana (MEXT) za profesionalno usavršavanje predavača za 2015. godinu
- Strast do menjav med kulturnimi direktorji / Strast do promjena između kulturnih direktora
- Stručna praksa - AUF stipendije za mobilnost u 2016.
- Tandem Shaml - Razmena kulturnih menadžera - Konkurs
- The Best in Heritage 2015
- The Emerald Initiative (Tajvan): Grantovi za kulturnu razmenu i projekte realizovane u saradnji sa učesnicima iz Jugoistočne Azije
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- Umetnički centar Kvaka 22
- Umetnost u otporu: Konkurs SPIELART festivala u Minhenu
- UNESCO katedra za kulturnu politiku i menadžment - predstavljanje master studija
- UNESCO katedra za kulturnu politiku i menadžment - Prijave za 2015.
- UNESCO Međunarodni fond za promociju kulture - Otvoren je konkurs za 2015. godinu
- UNESCO-ova anketa o statusu umetnika
- Unicult2020:The international Arts & Cultural Management and Policy Programme
- Univerzitet u Alberti - Škola etnografskog senzibiliteta u Beogradu
- World Heritage in Europe Today
- Za i protiv zvaničnih modela multikulturalizma i multijezičnosti
- Zabrinutost Saveta za kulturu
- Zadovoljstvo ministra i nada
- Zahtevi umetničkih udruženja
- Zajednička polja delovanja umetnosti i menadžmenta
- Zbornik radova Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti - rok za predaju
- Aktuelna istraživanja
- Doktorske disertacije
- Master radovi
- Članci
- Studentski radovi
- "Kulturа i održivost u evropskim grаdovimа: zаmišljаnje Europolisа" i "Teorijа i prаksа nаsleđа i održivosti"
- Avramović, Jovana, Visoko umetničko obrazovanje: Menadžment umetnosti u kurikulumima umetničkih fakulteta u Srbiji, 2012
- Bojanić, Manja, Mediji kao platforma za inter-etnički dijalog (Studija slučaja: mediji u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj, 2014
- Graovac, Ksenija, Kulturna diplomatija – oblici i forme postojeće međunarodne saradnje i strategije razvoja, 2007
- Hristina Mikić - Kulturne industrije i raznolikost kulturnih izraza u Srbiji
- Ivanović, Nataša, Komunikacijska i marketing strategija u sklopu poslovne politike izdavačkog preduzeća sa kulturološkom misijom, Studija slučaja – izdavačko preduzeće Clio, 2010
- Izveštaj ekspertske grupe programa Horizon 2020 o kulturnom nasleđu
- Jaćović, Svetlana, Menadžment modnih događaja, 2010
- Jegdić, Marija, Reality show kao fenomen 21. veka; Vrednosne orijentacije srednjoškolaca koji prate reality show programe i živote estradnih ličnosti, 2011
- Kaličanin, Milena, Strategija razvoja publike: uključivanje dece u kulturni život Pančeva, 2011
- Karanović, Nevena, Imaginarni muzej srpske kulture – koliko poznajemo srpsku vizuelnu umetnost?, 2011
- Keveždi, Miroslav, Kulturne politike nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji. Pravne nadležnosti Nacionalnih saveta nacionalnih manjina kao osnove za razvoj kulturnih sistema, 2012
- Kosjerina, Dragana, Uloga Javnog medijskog servisa u očuvanju, promociji i kreiranju kulturnog nasleđa. Studija slučaja: Serija „Zaboravljeni umovi Srbije“, u produkciji Radio-televizije Srbije, 2016
- Kulturno nasleđe doprinosi Evropi
- Masliković, Dejan, Kultura koja uključuje – mogućnosti razvoja učešća publike sa posebnim potrebama, 2010
- Menadžment kulturnih ruta: Od teorije do prakse
- Mihaljinac, Nina i Fotev, Ana - Kako razvijati kulturu u Srbiji? Stavovi o dilemama tranzicione kulturne politike
- Novo izdanje Vodiča kroz potencijalne domaće i inostrane izvore finansiranja 2015
- Objavljen Izveštaj o ekologiji kulture
- Petrović, Jelena, Neoratni film kao prostor interkulturalnog dijaloga: produkcioni i narativni modeli u filmovima 2000-2014, 2014
- Pristup kulturi - Analiza javnih politika - Izveštaj za Hrvatsku
- Radić, Sanja, Korišćenje turističkog potencijala obnovljene tvrđave Kastel i njen značaj za grad, regiju i državu, 2011
- Radonjić, Asja, Promocija i difuzija srpske umetničke muzike kao ključni elementi nacionalne kulturne politike, 2007
- Re|Shaping Cultural Policies
- Rogač, Ljiljana, Redefinisanje i transformacija identiteta i imidža Srbije u kontekstu evropskih integracija, 2007
- Stojanović, Ana. Strateška analiza opštinske kulturne politike – studija slučaja: opština Smederevska Palanka, 2007
- Stojanović, Dalibor, Razvoj dečje umetničke kreativnosti u institucijama kulture za decu, 2012
- Timotijević, Jovana, Uloga kulturne politike u rešavanju problema nasilja u porodici u Srbiji, 2013
- Vrednost dela pisaca
- Warwick komisija - Finalni izveštaj: "Obogaćivanje Britanije: Kultura, kreativnost i rast"
- World Heritage in Europe Today
- Zapadni Balkan: regionalno umetničko tržište, a ne fikcija?
- Zečević, Ivana, Multilateralna kulturna saradnja u okviru programa delovanja Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije - Dometi i perspektive, 2010
- Živanović, Katarina, Od kulturnog dobra do turističke atrakcije – Studija slučaja Kikindski Mamut, 2008
- Živković, Milica, Motivacija zaposlenih u javnim institucijama kulture: studija slučaja Kulturni centar Inđija, 2011
- UNESCO katedre
- Bilteni
- Istraživači
- Instituti
- Mladi talenti
- Mreže
- Organizacije
- Časopisi
- Univerziteti
- Fondacije
- Aleksandra Uzelac
- Gordana Milanović, MA
- Jaka Primorac
- Milan Nikodijević
- Aldo Milohnić
- Alena Lakova, Msc
- Amra Bakšić Čamo
- Ana Martinoli
- Andrej Srakar, Mag.
- Boris Ružić, mr
- Vesna Milosavljević
- Vesna Čopič
- Violeta Simjanovska
- Daniela Urem
- Darko Lukić
- Dejan Iliev
- Dinko Klarić
- Dušica Dragin
- Edin Jašarović
- Igor Vecovski, Mag.
- Inga Tomić-Koludrović
- Lana Rakanović
- Lea Linin, MA
- Lachezar Bojidarov Antonov
- Marijana Cvetković, mr
- Martin Pančevski
- Milena Dragićević Šešić
- Mirko Petrić
- Mirko Štark
- Mirjana Nikolić
- Nada Švob-Đokić
- Hazim Begagić
- Nikola Maričić
- Nina Obuljen Koržinek
- Sanjin Dragojević
- Svetlana Jovičić
- Svetlana Hristova
- Sofija Drecun
- Srđan Vukadinović
- Julija Matejić, MA
- Janko Ljumović
- Academica – Akademska grupa
- AcademLink
- AcademLink
- Akademija umetnosti Novi Sad, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
- Arterial Network Newsletter
- Arts Access Australia
- Umetnost i kultura u obrazovanju
- Arts Research Monitor
- art∡ngle - Balkans | Culture | Development
- Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management
- Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije
- Association for Cultural Economics International
- Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC)
- Banlieues d'Europe
- Bulgarian Festivals Association, Bugarska festivalska asocijacija
- Kulturalna raznolikost
- Kulturna raznolikost i interkulturni dijalog za kulturu mira
- Cultural festival Night
- Kulturno nasleđe i turizam
- Menadžment kulturnog nasleđa i održivost
- Kulturne politike i saradnja
- Kulturna politika i kulturni menadžment
- Kulturna politika i kulturni menadžment
- Kulturna politika za umetnost u razvoju
- Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research
- Odsjek za kulturalne studije, Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, Sveučilište u Rijeci
- Kulturni turizam
- Kulturni turizam za mir i razvoj
- Culture Action Europe newsletter
- Culturelink Network / IMO
- Culturelink Newsletter
- EDUCULT – Institut of Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Emergency Exit Arts (EEA)
- ERSTE Foundation
- European Cultural Foundation
- European Festivals Association (EFA)
- European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
- Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju
- Grupa za kreativnu ekonomiju
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Nasleđe i urbane studije
- Nasleđe modernog pokreta
- Studije nasleđa
- Bibliotekarstvo, obrazovanje i kulturno nasleđe
- IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts
- Nematerijalno nasleđe i tradicionalno umeće: povezivanje nasleđa
- Interkulturalni i interreligijski dijalog za Jugoistočnu Evropu
- Studije interkulturalnog i iterreligijskog dijaloga
- Interkulturalni dijalog
- Interkulturalni dijalog i društvene studije
- Interkulturalni odnosi i učenje
- Interkulturalne studije
- Interkulturalne studije i obrazovanje nastavnika
- Interkulturalnost i ljudska prava
- International Journal of Cultural Policy
- Međunarodni zakon o zaštiti kulturnog nasleđa
- Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy
- Konrad Fischer Galerie
- KPY Yearbook
- Menadžment kulturnog nasleđa na Balkanu i u Podunavskom regionu
- Sećanje, kulture i interkulturalizam
- Ministarstvo kulture Republike Slovenije
- Mladiinfo
- Višejezična, transkulturalna komunikacija u digitalnom dobu
- Muzeologija i svetska baština
- Centar za nove
- Nomad plesna akademija - NDA
- On the Move (OTM) Newsflash
- Open Arts Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Österreichische Kulturdokumentation newsletter
- Mir, kulturni razvoj i kulturne politike
- Centar za izvođačke umetnosti Multimedia (Performing Arts Centre Multimedia)
- Savez udruga Klubtura / Mreža Clubture
- Sofia Development Association
- Studije Jugoistočne Evrope
- Stanica - Servis za savremeni ples
- Centar za empirijske studije kulture jugoistočne Evrope - CESK
- The ENCATC Newsletter
- The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Journal of Cultural Policy
- The Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
- TkH - Teorija koja Hoda [teorijsko-umetnička platforma]
- We Are More News
- Svetski kulturni i urbani pejzaži
- Kulturna politika i menadžment (interkulturalizam i medijacija na Balkanu)
- Faculty of Arts at Southwest University, Department of Culture Studies
- Kalendar događaja
- Lista događaja
- "Kulturа i održivost u evropskim grаdovimа: zаmišljаnje Europolisа" i "Teorijа i prаksа nаsleđа i održivosti"
- "Mediji protiv demokracije? - Komercijalizacija interneta i kriza medija"
- "Mediji protiv demokracije? - Komercijalizacija interneta i kriza medija"
- "Mediji protiv demokracije? - Komercijalizacija interneta i kriza medija"
- "Održiva ekonomija, održive tehnologije, održiva industrija"
- "Svet bez zidova": Mogućnosti za građenje mira u vremenu opšte nesigurnosti
- 15. Međunarodna konferencija o jezicima manjina (ICML XV)
- 15. Međunarodna konferencija o jezicima manjina (ICML XV)
- 2 Forum kreativne ekonomije: Kulturno nasleđe – izazovi u kreativnoj ekonomiji
- 2016 Forum on European Culture - ReCreating Europe
- Atelje KVANGDŽU 2015: Konkurs
- Balkanska mreža muzeja: konferencija "Moram, vidim, uradiću"
- Balkanska mreža muzeja: konferencija "Moram, vidim, uradiću"
- Balkanska mreža muzeja: konferencija "Moram, vidim, uradiću"
- Berlinska umetnička grant klinika: Dijagnostički seminar
- Berlinska umetnička grant klinika: Dijagnostički seminar
- Berlinska umetnička grant klinika: Operaciona radionica
- Berlinska umetnička grant klinika: Operaciona radionica
- Budućnost finansiranja umetnosti - webchat
- Časopis KULTURA: prijem novih tekstova
- Debata "Čemu kulturne politike?" i promocija knjige "Ka novim kulturnim politikama"
- Druga Dunavska konferencija o kulturi
- Druga Dunavska konferencija o kulturi
- Evropska konferencija IMAM LI PRAVO NA UMETNOST?
- Festival Nakultiviši se!
- Festival Š.U.N.D.
- Festival tolerancije
- Festival tolerancije
- Festival tolerancije
- Festival TRANSEUROPA 2015
- FESTUM - Festival studenata Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu
- Forum za održive zajednice 2015
- Gde je naša publika: imamo li potrebu za kulturom?
- Glasajte za Nagradu publike i osvojite put u Madrid
- Instruktivni seminar Biz&Art - Ka održivim partnerstvima privrede i kulture
- Javna rasprava o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o kulturi
- Javna rasprava o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o kulturi
- Javna rasprava o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o kulturi
- Konferencija - Innovating in the Cultural Sector: Appreciating the Past and Creating Jobs for the Future
- Konferencija - The Best in Heritage 2016
- Konferencija Pitanje sećanja - Rok za prijavu
- Konferencija Program Kreativna Evropa 2014 – 2020: Srbija i perspektive evropske saradnje
- Konferencija Program Kreativna Evropa 2014 – 2020: Srbija i perspektive evropske saradnje
- Konferencija Program Kreativna Evropa 2014 – 2020: Srbija i perspektive evropske saradnje
- Konferencija Unite4Heritage: Cultural Diversity and Attack. Protecting Heritage for Peace
- Konferencija – Pitanje sećanja
- Konferencija: Izvan romskih stereotipa. Oglašavanje romskih većina
- Konferencija: Migracija u i iz Istočne i Jugoistočne Evrope – vrednosti, mreže, dobrobit. Regensburg, 2-4. jul 2015.
- Kongres European Heritage
- KONKURS - Unicult2020:The international Arts & Cultural Management and Policy Programme
- Konkurs LabCitoyen 2016 - rok za prijavu
- KONKURS Međunarodna konferencija - BITEF i kulturna diplomatija: uloga pozorišnih festivala u međunarodnim kulturnim odnosima
- Konkurs za donacije Fondacije „Jelena Šantić“ - rok za prijavu
- KONKURS za prijavu studenata za Letnju umetničku školu Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu
- Konkurs za studentske radove OTVORENOG UNIVERZITETA
- Konkurs za treću generaciju KREATIVNOG MENTORSTVA - rok za prijavu
- Konkurs: Istočno-evropska platforma za izvođačke umetnosti
- Konkurs: SYNAPSE - Međunarodna mreža kustosa (Nemačka)
- Krajnji rok za prijavu - STIFF
- Kulturne stipendije u Rusiji
- Kulturа i održivi rаzvoj u dobа krize - internacionalni naučni skup
- Kulturа i održivi rаzvoj u dobа krize - internacionalni naučni skup
- Kulturа i održivi rаzvoj u dobа krize - rok za prijavu
- Letnja škola u Drezdenu 2016
- Letnja škola: A.U.K. letnji program na Kosovu
- Letnja umetnička škola Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu - Preko svake granice
- Mapiranje publike - vebinar
- Marks, bioskop i sadašnjost. Univerzitet Centralnog Lankašira
- Međunarodna konferencija - BITEF i kulturna diplomatija: uloga pozorišnih festivala u međunarodnim kulturnim odnosima
- Međunarodna konferencija o budućnosti kulture
- Međunarodna konferencija o društvenim medijima i dobroti
- Međunarodna letnja škola - Istraživanje i menadžment nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa
- Međunarodna radionica o kulturnoj politici u jugoistočnoj Europi: "Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe"
- Međunarodni fond za promociju kulture - Konkurs 2016
- Međunarodni simpozijum pravne zaštite kulturnog nasleđa
- Međunarodni simpozijum pravne zaštite kulturnog nasleđa
- Međunarodni simpozijum pravne zaštite kulturnog nasleđa
- Međurnarodna konferencija o društvenim medijima i dobroti
- Minut ćutanja za profesora Dejana Kosanovića
- Muzej afričke umetnosti - Afro festival
- Novi ciklus programa „KREATIVNO MENTORSTVO”
- Osobine i pozicija savremenog Političkog/Participativnog pozorišta kao prakse razvoja i otpora
- Otvaranje Media Deska Srbija
- Poslednji dan konkursa za Nagradu Jelena Šantić. Za hrabri iskorak!
- Poziv na konferenciju Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015!
- Poziv na konferenciju Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015!
- Poziv na konferenciju Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015!
- Poziv na konferenciju Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015!
- Poziv na konferenciju MuseumNext 2015
- Poziv na Skupstinu NK ICOM Srbije
- Poziv za radove za Međunarodnu konferenciju o umetnosti i kulturnom menadžmentu (AIMAC) 2015
- Poziv za radove: Kultura, tržište i društvo
- Poziv za radove: Međunarodna transdisciplinarna konferencija Kultura/e u održivim budućnostima: teorije, politike, prakse
- Poziv za radove: Upravljanje prostorom uz pomoć kulture: Kritički pristupi korišćenju kulture u regionalnom upravljanju
- POZORIŠTE U KONTEKSTU - Bitef Polifonija 2015
- Predavanje Đovanija Alegretija - Participativno upravljanje
- Preispitivanje regia i regionalizma u Australiji: Izazovi i mogućnosti za 21. vek
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Presentation of the Cultural Policy and Management Platform!
- Prezentacija nacionalnog izveštaja - Kulturlogue projekat
- Produžen rok za predaju radova!
- Programi elektronskog učenja iz oblasti Kulturne diplomatije: Programi ličnog razvoja iz oblasti Kulturne diplomatije
- Protest Za kulturu!
- Publikacija: Istočnoevropska politika, vol. 30, no. 4
- Publikacija: Istočnoevropska politika, vol. 30, no. 4
- Regionalni forum UNESCO katedri i UNITWIN-a Jugoistočne Evrope | 12-13 Jun 2013 | Istanbul, Turska
- Rok za predaju radova!
- Rok za slanje predloga projekata - 5. poziv UNESKOa za finansiranje projekata iz Međunarodnog fonda za kulturnu raznolikost
- Seminar UNESCO – Kultura i razvoj
- SIEF 2015 12. Kongres: Utopije, realnosti, nasleđa. Etnografije za 21. vek
- Španski filmski festival - Španski metar
- Stipendije Vlade Japana (MEXT) za profesionalno usavršavanje predavača za 2015. godinu
- The Emerald Initiative (Tajvan): Grantovi za kulturnu razmenu i projekte realizovane u saradnji sa učesnicima iz Jugoistočne Azije
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- Turneja platforme Kuturne politike i menadžmenta
- UNESCO katedra za kulturnu politiku i menadžment - predstavljanje master studija
- UNESCO katedra za kulturnu politiku i menadžment - Prijave za 2015. - Junski rok
- UNESCO katedra za kulturnu politiku i menadžment - Prijave za 2015. - Septembarski rok
- Uzbudljivi gradovi u fokusu - poziv na razgovor
- Zbornika radova Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti - rok za predaju
- Zbornika radova Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti - rok za predaju br. 25
- Video snimci
- Online sadržaj
- Razno
- Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu - 50 godina katedre za Menadžment i produkciju pozorišta radija i kulture
- Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu - 50 godina katedre za Menadžment i produkciju pozorišta radija i kulture
- Intervju sa Gordanom Janković u Londonu povodom proslave 10 godina UNESKO katedre za kulturnu politiku i menadžment
- Javna diskusija o rezultatima Konkursa za kulturu za 2013.
- Managing Culture, Imagining the Future
- Na sopstveni pogon - Asocijacija NKSS
- Prezentacija nacionalnog izveštaja - Kulturlogue Q&A
- e-Biblioteka
- Tutorijali
- Donovan Rypkema i Hristina Mikić (ur.) - Kulturno nasleđe i kreativne industrije
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Građani Srbije, kulturna politika i kulturne prakse
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena - Od kulture neslaganja do kulture inovacije i eksperimentisanja (20 godina rada Soros fondacija u regionu Balkana)
- Dragićević Šešić, Milena and Dragojević, Sanjin - Interkulturalna medijacija
- Hristina Mikic - Kreativne industrije, dizajn i konkurentnost
- Hristina Mikić - Lokalni razvoj i kulturne industrije
- Manek 2
- Pjotr Pjotrovski - Kritički muzej
- Svetlana Jovicic, Hristina Mikic - Kreativne industrije
- Registracija
- Zaboravljena lozinka
- Prijava u sistem
- Odjava sa sistema
- Donacije
- Почетна
- Пребарување
- За нас
- Членови на конзорциумот
- Уредници
- Партнери
- Контакт
- Правила на користење
- Политика за приватност
- Прашања и одговори
- Мапа на сајтот
- Вести
- Aкадемски
- Актуелно
- Билтен
- Интервју
- Проекти
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy: Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- ОТВОРЕН ПОВИК - Паратисима Скопје
- Тековни истражувања
- Докторски дисертации
- Мастер трудови
- Статии
- Студентски трудови
- UNESCO катедри
- Билтени
- Истражувачи
- Институти
- Млади таленти
- Мрежи
- Oрганизации
- Списанија
- Универзитети
- Фондации
- Aleksandra Uzelac
- Gordana Milanović
- Jaka Primorac
- Milan Nikodijević
- Алдо Милохниќ
- Алена Лакова, Мсц
- Амра Бакшиќ Чамо
- Ана Мартиноли
- Андреј Сракар, Маг.
- Борис Ружиќ, мр
- Vesna Milosavljević
- Весна Чопич
- Виолета Симјановска
- Даниела Урем
- Дарко Лукиќ
- Дејан Илиев
- Динко Клариќ
- Душица Драгин
- Един Јашаровиќ
- Игор Вецовски, Маг.
- Инга Томиќ-Колудровиќ
- Лана Ракановиќ
- Леа Линин, МА
- Лахезар Бојидаров Антонов
- Маријана Цветковиќ, мр
- Мартин Панчевски
- Милена Драгиќевиќ Шешиќ
- Мирко Петриќ
- Мирко Штарк
- Мирјана Николиќ
- Нада Швоб-Ѓокиќ
- Хазим Бегагиќ
- Никола Маричиќ
- Нина Обуљен Коржинек
- Сањин Драгојевиќ
- Светлана Јовичиќ
- Светлана Христова, PhD
- Софија Дрецун
- Срѓан Вукадиновиќ
- Јулија Матејиќ, МА
- Janko Ljumović
- Academica – Academic Group
- AcademLink
- AcademLink
- Academy of Arts Novi Sad
- Arterial Network Newsletter
- Arts Access Australia
- Arts and Culture in Education
- Arts Research Monitor
- art∡ngle - Balkans | Culture | Development
- Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management
- Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije
- Association for Cultural Economics International
- Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC)
- Banlieues d'Europe
- Bulgarian Festivals Association, Бугарската асоцијација на фестивали
- Cultural Diversity
- Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue for a Culture of Peace
- Cultural festival Night
- Cultural Heritage and Tourism
- Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability
- Cultural Policies and Cooperation
- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development
- Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research
- Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Rijeka
- Cultural Tourism
- Cultural Tourism for Peace and Development
- Culture Action Europe newsletter
- Culturelink Network / IMO
- Culturelink Newsletter
- EDUCULT – Institut of Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Emergency Exit Arts (EEA)
- ERSTE Foundation
- European Cultural Foundation
- European Festivals Association (EFA)
- European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
- Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju
- Grupa za kreativnu ekonomiju
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Heritage and Urban Studies
- Heritage of the Modern Movement
- Heritage Studies
- ICTs in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage
- IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts
- Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue for South-East Europe
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Studies
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Intercultural Dialogue and Social Studies
- Intercultural Relations and Learning
- Intercultural Studies
- Intercultural Studies and Teacher Education
- Interculturality and human rights
- International Journal of Cultural Policy
- International Law of the Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy
- Konrad Fischer Galerie
- KPY Yearbook
- Management of the Cultural Heritage in the Balkan and Danubian Region
- Memory, Cultures and Interculturality
- Ministarstvo kulture Republike Slovenije
- Mladiinfo
- Multilingual, Transcultural Communication in the Digital Age
- Museology and World Heritage
- New Media
- Nomad Dance Academy - NDA
- On the Move (OTM) Newsflash
- Open Arts Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Österreichische Kulturdokumentation newsletter
- Peace, Cultural Development and Cultural Policies
- Performing Arts Centre Multimedia
- Savez udruga Klubtura / Mreža Clubture
- Sofia Development Association
- Southeast European Studies
- Station - Service for Contemporary Dance
- The Centre for Empirical Cultural Studies of South-East Europe - CECS
- The ENCATC Newsletter
- The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Journal of Cultural Policy
- The Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
- TkH - Walking Theory [theoretical-artistic platform]
- We Are More News
- World Cultural and Urban Landscapes
- Културна политика и менаџмент (интеркултурализам и медијација на Балканот)
- Faculty of Arts at Southwest University, Department of Culture Studies
- Календар на настани
- Листа на настани
- "A World without Walls": Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity"
- "Sustainable Economies, Sustainable Technologies, Sustainable Industries "
- 2 Creative Economy Forum: Cultural Heritage - Challanges in Creative Economy
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for papers: Culture, market and society
- Call for Proposals for MuseumNext 2015
- E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy: Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Focusing on exciting cities - debate
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- New cycle of the programme "Creative Mentorship"
- The characteristics and place of contemporary Political/Participatory theatre as practice of development and resistance
- ОТВОРЕН ПОВИК - Паратисима Скопје
- ОТВОРЕН ПОВИК - Паратисима Скопје
- ОТВОРЕН ПОВИК - Паратисима Скопје
- ОТВОРЕН ПОВИК - Паратисима Скопје
- Видео снимки
- On line содржина
- Разно
- e-библиотека
- Туторијали
- Регистрирај се
- Заборавена лозинка
- Логирај се
- Одјави се
- Донирај
- Начало
- Търсене
- За нас
- За членовете на консорциума
- Редакционен екип
- Партньори
- За контакт
- Условия за ползване
- Политика за поверителност
- Най-често задавани въпроси (FAQ)
- Карта на сайта
- Новини
- Aкадемичната
- Актуално
- Бюлетин
- Интервю
- Проекти
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- Актуални изследвания
- Докторски дисертации
- Магистърски дисертации
- Статии
- Студентски работи
- UNESCO катедра
- Бюлетини
- Изследователи
- Институти
- Млади таланти
- Мрежи
- Организации
- Списания
- Университети
- Фондации
- Aleksandra Uzelac
- Gordana Milanović
- Jaka Primorac
- Milan Nikodijević
- Алдо Милохнич
- Алена Лакова, M-р.
- Амра Бакшич Чамо
- Ана Мартиноли
- Андрей Сракар, магистър
- Борис Ружич, М-р
- Весна Милосављевич
- Весна Чопич
- Виолета Симяновска
- Даниела Урем
- Дарко Лукич
- Деян Илиев
- Динко Кларич
- Душица Драгин
- Един Яшаров
- Игор Весовски, М-р
- Инга Томич-Колудрович
- Лана Раканович
- Леа Линин, М-р
- Лъчезар Божидаров Антонов
- Марияна Цветкович, магистър
- Мартин Панчевски
- Милена Драгичевич Шешич
- Мирко Петрич
- Мирко Щарк
- Миряна Николич
- Нада Швоб-Джокич
- Назим Бегагич
- Никола Маричич
- Нина Обулен Коржинек
- Санин Драгоевич
- Светлана Йовичич
- Светлана Христова, PhD
- София Дрецун
- Сърджан Вукадинович
- Юлия Матейич, магистър
- Янко Люмович
- Academica – Academic Group
- AcademLink
- AcademLink
- Academy of Arts Novi Sad
- Arterial Network Newsletter
- Arts Access Australia
- Arts and Culture in Education
- Arts Research Monitor
- art∡ngle - Balkans | Culture | Development
- Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management
- Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije
- Association for Cultural Economics International
- Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC)
- Banlieues d'Europe
- Bulgarian Festivals Association, Българска фестивална асоциация
- Cultural Diversity
- Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue for a Culture of Peace
- Cultural festival Night
- Cultural Heritage and Tourism
- Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability
- Cultural Policies and Cooperation
- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development
- Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research
- Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Rijeka
- Cultural Tourism
- Cultural Tourism for Peace and Development
- Culture Action Europe newsletter
- Culturelink Network / IMO
- Culturelink Newsletter
- EDUCULT – Institut of Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Emergency Exit Arts (EEA)
- ERSTE Foundation
- European Cultural Foundation
- European Festivals Association (EFA)
- European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
- Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju
- Grupa za kreativnu ekonomiju
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Heritage and Urban Studies
- Heritage of the Modern Movement
- Heritage Studies
- ICTs in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage
- IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts
- Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue for South-East Europe
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Studies
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Intercultural Dialogue and Social Studies
- Intercultural Relations and Learning
- Intercultural Studies
- Intercultural Studies and Teacher Education
- Interculturality and human rights
- International Journal of Cultural Policy
- International Law of the Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy
- Konrad Fischer Galerie
- KPY Yearbook
- Management of the Cultural Heritage in the Balkan and Danubian Region
- Memory, Cultures and Interculturality
- Ministry of Culture of Republic Slovenia
- Mladiinfo
- Multilingual, Transcultural Communication in the Digital Age
- Museology and World Heritage
- New Media
- Nomad Dance Academy - NDA
- On the Move (OTM) Newsflash
- Open Arts Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Österreichische Kulturdokumentation newsletter
- Peace, Cultural Development and Cultural Policies
- Performing Arts Centre Multimedia
- Savez udruga Klubtura / Mreža Clubture
- Sofia Development Association
- Southeast European Studies
- Station - Service for Contemporary Dance
- The Centre for Empirical Cultural Studies of South-East Europe - CECS
- The ENCATC Newsletter
- The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Journal of Cultural Policy
- The Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
- TkH - Walking Theory [theoretical-artistic platform]
- We Are More News
- World Cultural and Urban Landscapes
- Културна политика и мениджмънт (междукултурализъм и посредничество на Балканите)
- Югозападен университет "Неофит Рилски", Катедра "Културология"
- Календар на събитията
- Списък на събитията
- "A World without Walls": Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity"
- "Sustainable Economies, Sustainable Technologies, Sustainable Industries "
- 2 Creative Economy Forum: Cultural Heritage - Challanges in Creative Economy
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for papers: Culture, market and society
- Call for Proposals for MuseumNext 2015
- E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy: Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Focusing on exciting cities - debate
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- New cycle of the programme "Creative Mentorship"
- The characteristics and place of contemporary Political/Participatory theatre as practice of development and resistance
- Видео снимки
- Онлайн съдържание
- Разни
- e-библиотека
- Уроци
- Регистрация
- Забравена парола
- Вход
- Изход
- Дарения
- Domača stran
- Išči
- O nas
- Člani konzorcija
- Uredniški odbor
- Partnerji
- Kontakt
- Pogoji uporabe
- Varovanje zasebnosti
- Načrt strani
- Novosti
- Akademsko
- Aktualno
- Bilten
- Intervju
- Projekti
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- Courants du monde
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- First cultural mobility experiences for European artists and cultural professionals in China
- Ida Hiršenfelder: Neskončna ravnina. Razsežnost video prostora in umetnost projiciranja
- Intervju z dr. Vesno Čopič
- Mednarodna delavnica v Ljubljani: "Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe"
- Okrogla miza o evropski kulturni politiki
- Razprava o spodbujanju kulturnih trgov v Sloveniji
- Strast do menjav med kulturnimi direktorji
- Aktualne raziskave
- Doktorske disertacije
- Master naloge
- Članki
- Naloge študentov
- Ekonomski učinki kulturnih in kreativnih sektorjev v Evropski uniji: stohastična input-output analiza
- Financiranje gledaliških festivalov: Primer Ane Desetnice / Financing of Theatre Festivals: A Case Study of Ana Desetnica
- Indeks kulturne politike za države EU: uporaba multivariatne analize v visoko-dimenzionalnih okoljih
- Kinematografija male evropske države in evropska kulturna politika / Cinematography of a small European state and European cultural policy
- Posledice koncentracije kapitala v založništvu in knjigotrštvu / Consequences of concentration of capital in publishing and bookselling
- UNESCO katedre
- Bilteni
- Raziskovalci
- Inštituti
- Mladi talenti
- Mreže
- Organizacije
- Časopisi
- Univerze
- Fundacije
- Aleksandra Uzelac
- Gordana Milanović
- Jaka Primorac
- Milan Nikodijević
- Aldo Milohnić
- Alena Lakova, M.Sc.
- Amra Bakšić Čamo
- Ana Martinoli
- Andrej Srakar, PhD
- Boris Ružić, mag
- Vesna Milosavljević
- Vesna Čopič
- Violeta Simjanovska
- Daniela Urem
- Darko Lukić
- Dejan Iliev
- Dinko Klarić
- Dušica Dragin
- Edin Jašarović
- Igor Vecovski, Mag.
- Inga Tomić-Koludrović
- Lana Rakanović
- Lea Linin, MA
- Lachezar Bojidarov Antonov, PhD
- Marijana Cvetković, Mag.
- Martin Pančevski
- Milena Dragićević Šešić
- Mirko Petrić
- Mirko Štark
- Mirjana Nikolić
- Nada Švob-Đokić
- Hazim Begagić, PhD
- Nikola Maričić
- Nina Obuljen Koržinek
- Sanjin Dragojević, PhD
- Svetlana Jovičić
- Svetlana Hristova, PhD
- Sofija Drecun
- Srđan Vukadinović
- Julija Matejić, MA
- Janko Ljumović
- Academica – Academic Group
- AcademLink
- AcademLink
- Academy of Arts Novi Sad
- Arterial Network Newsletter
- Arts Access Australia
- Arts and Culture in Education
- Arts Research Monitor
- art∡ngle - Balkans | Culture | Development
- Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management
- Association Independent Culture Scene of Serbia
- Association for Cultural Economics International
- Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC)
- Banlieues d'Europe
- Bulgarian Festivals Association, Združenje bolgarski festivali
- Cultural Diversity
- Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue for a Culture of Peace
- Cultural festival Night
- Cultural Heritage and Tourism
- Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability
- Cultural Policies and Cooperation
- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development
- Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research
- Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Rijeka
- Cultural Tourism
- Cultural Tourism for Peace and Development
- Culture Action Europe newsletter
- Culturelink Network / IMO
- Culturelink Newsletter
- EDUCULT – Institut of Cultural Policy and Cultural Management
- Emergency Exit Arts (EEA)
- ERSTE Foundation
- European Cultural Foundation
- European Festivals Association (EFA)
- European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers (ENCATC)
- Faculty of Drama Arts in Cetinje
- Grupa za kreativnu ekonomiju
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Heritage and Urban Studies
- Heritage of the Modern Movement
- Heritage Studies
- ICTs in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage
- IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts
- Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue for South-East Europe
- Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Studies
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Intercultural Dialogue and Social Studies
- Intercultural Relations and Learning
- Intercultural Studies
- Intercultural Studies and Teacher Education
- Interculturality and human rights
- International Journal of Cultural Policy
- International Law of the Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy
- Konrad Fischer Galerie
- KPY Yearbook
- Management of the Cultural Heritage in the Balkan and Danubian Region
- Memory, Cultures and Interculturality
- Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije
- Mladiinfo
- Multilingual, Transcultural Communication in the Digital Age
- Museology and World Heritage
- New Media
- Nomad Dance Academy - NDA
- On the Move (OTM) Newsflash
- Open Arts Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Österreichische Kulturdokumentation newsletter
- Peace, Cultural Development and Cultural Policies
- Performing Arts Centre Multimedia
- Savez udruga Klubtura / Mreža Clubture
- Sofia Development Association
- Southeast European Studies
- Station - Service for Contemporary Dance
- The Centre for Empirical Cultural Studies of South-East Europe - CECS
- The ENCATC Newsletter
- The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies IFACCA
- The International Journal of Cultural Policy
- The Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
- TkH - Walking Theory [theoretical-artistic platform]
- We Are More News
- World Cultural and Urban Landscapes
- Kulturna politika in management (medkulturalizem in mediacija na Balkanu)
- Faculty of Arts at Southwest University, Department of Culture Studies
- Koledar dogodkov
- Seznam dogodkov
- "A World without Walls": Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity"
- "Sustainable Economies, Sustainable Technologies, Sustainable Industries "
- 2 Creative Economy Forum: Cultural Heritage - Challanges in Creative Economy
- Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- Call for papers: Culture, market and society
- Call for Proposals for MuseumNext 2015
- E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy: Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- Festival of Tolerance
- Festival of Tolerance
- Focusing on exciting cities - debate
- Ida Hiršenfelder: Neskončna ravnina. Razsežnost video prostora in umetnost projiciranja
- Mednarodna delavnica kulturne politike: Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe
- Meet, See, (critically) Do 2015! Call for Applications!
- New cycle of the programme "Creative Mentorship"
- Okrogla miza o evropski kulturni politiki
- Osemnajsta mednarodna konferenca kulturnih ekonomistov združenja ACEI
- Osma mednarodna konferenca za raziskovalce kulturnih politik
- The characteristics and place of contemporary Political/Participatory theatre as practice of development and resistance
- Tretja mednarodna konferenca o kulturnih in kreativnih industrijah
- Video posnetki
- Online vsebina
- Razno
- Ekonomsko vrednotenje kulturnih dogodkov in vrednosti kulture / Economic estimation of value of culture
- e-Knjižnica
- Tutoriali
- Registrirajte se
- Pozabljeno geslo
- Prijavite se
- Odjavite se
- Donirajte
- → O nas
- → Člani konzorcija
- → Uredniški odbor
- → Partnerji
- → Kontakt
- → CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- → Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- → Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- → European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- → Mednarodna delavnica v Ljubljani: "Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe"
- → CALL FOR PAPERS: International Transdisciplinary Conference Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices
- → Call for Papers: Managing Space with Culture: Critical Approaches to the Use of Culture in Regional Governance
- → Call for Papers for the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) 2015
- → European conference DO I HAVE A RIGHT TO ART?
- → Mednarodna delavnica v Ljubljani: "Recycling of good ideas from unfulfilled regulations and strategies in South Eastern Europe"
Kulturna politika
cultural diplomacy
kreativne industrije
globalna kultura
kulturna ekonomika
creative process
Koledar dogodkov
09 / 2024Pon | Tor | Sre | Čet | Pet | Sob | Ned |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 |
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