Open Arts Foundation


The Open Arts Foundation was founded in Plovdiv, in 2007, by Katrin and Vesselina Sarievi. It is registered in the Central Register of the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice as a public-interest non-governmental organization.

Before that (2005-6), the Open Arts Foundation existed as a platform for non-commercial culture of the Sariev Gallery, developing such projects as the Plovdiv Night of Museums and Galleries (the foundation’s largest undertaking).

In March 2010, the Open Arts Foundation opened its own office in 36 Otets Paisiy St., in close proximity to the Sariev Gallery and the artnewscafé.Today Open Arts is one of three organizations of its creators with Sariev Contemporary and artnewscafe, working for sustainable development and creation of models and practices to support the Bulgarian modern culture.

The activities and projects of Open Arts Foundation have wide recognition, they have a number of awards and many followers. Open Arts Foundation’s activities for the past seven years has been described as one of the important factors for the development and activation of the contemporary cultural life of the city.

The Foundation operates mainly in Plovdiv, with partial projects in Sofia and the country.


The foundation’s policy is to develop and produce our own cultural production. A small number of our projects are developed externally (more specifically, the Film Program).

Our three main programs from are: Night of Museums and Galleries, City & Culture and Educational program.


The Open Arts Foundation works with the financial support of private and public organizations, as well as individual citizens.


Our core team include: Director, Finance consultant, Marketing Manager, General coordinator, Office Assistant.

We also use the services of a network of consultants, experts, interns and volunteers.


The Open Arts Foundation runs its own internship and volunteer program in support of its current and future projects. The positions cover a wide range of operational and research activities and are announced in our News section.
