Sanjin Dragojević, PhD

Assistant Professor

University of Zagreb

Sanjin Dragojević was born in Zagreb, March 3, 1961. He studied philosophy, comparative literature, and computer science at the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Zagreb, and he graduated in 1986. In period 1987-1993, he has been working at the Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb.

He has been participating in the work and coordination of two world networks whose focal point is at the Institute: Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development (Culturelink), and the Network of Scientific Development Research Institutions in Developing Countries. Dragojevic is also on the editorial board of the bulletin of the Culturelink network. He has been involved and still frequently participate in the projects carried out by the Institute in the fields of culture, information and communication. Sanjin Dragrojevic finished post-graduate study in Information Sciences at the Zagreb University. His works has been published in domestic and foreign scientific journals, as well as in the proceedings of domestic and international conferences, which he frequently attends and in which he usually actively participates (he contributes papers, presentations, reports, etc.). In 1992 he became the winner of the Pergamon Press Prize in European studies.

He is co-editor of the first version of the set of publications entitled "Guide to Current State and Trends in Cultural Policy and Life in Unesco Member States", project sponsored by the Unesco which covers all 160 national cultural policies in the world. In 1993 Sanjin Dragojevic has finished the project entitled "Need for a New Theatre Management in East European Countries", sponsored and financed by the KulturKontakt, Austrian foundation. In 1994 he has finished project "Structuring of the Cultural Information Systems in the Central and East European Countries", financed by the Central European University, Prague. In period 1995-1998 Mr. Dragicevic participated as researcher in project entitled "Cultural Capital and Development Strategy of Croatia" financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology. In 1997. he was the main researcher in project entitled "Assessment of Cultural Information Needs in the Central European Countries in Transition Towards Market Economy" undertaken by Unesco. During the same year he was one of leading experts in project "Evaluation of National Cultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia" undertaken by Council of Europe. In the period 1995-1998 he was a Head of Department for Bilateral Cultural Co-operation at the Croatian Ministry of Culture. Mr. Dragojevic has been working as cultural consultant for County of Istria (province of Croatia), The Moving Academy for Performing Arts (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Croatian Humanitarian Network (Zagreb), Stella Film (Zagreb, Croatia) and many others.

Sanjin Dragojevic is permanent guest-lecturer on two postgraduate study in cultural management organized by the Institute for Cultural Management, Vienna, Austria; and the Institute for Cultural Research, Krems, Austria. At the moment he is lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb, University of Zagreb, teaching subjects "Sociology of Mass Communication" and "Sociology of Culture". The areas of his interest include philosophy and sociology of culture, cultural development and international cultural cooperation, cultural policy, cultural management and information systems in culture. He speaks English and French, and understand German.

Publications & References
  1. Dragojević, Sanjin et al (eds.). eCulture: The European Perspective. Cultural Policy, Creative Industries, Information Lag. Culturelink, Unesco, CIRCLE. Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2005, 193 p.
  2. Драгојевић, Сањин; Драгићевић Шешић, Милена. Менаџмент уметности у турбулентним околностима: организациони приступ. CLIO, Београд, 2005, 248 стр.
  3. Dragojević, Sanjin; Dragićević Šešić, Milena. Arts Management in Turbulent Times. Adaptable Quality Management: Navigating the Arts through Winds of Change. European Cultural Foundation / Boekmanstudies, Amsterdam, 2005, 205 p.
  4. Dragojević, Sanjin. Transforming the Financing of Culture in Croatia. In: The Arts, Politics and Change. Participative Cultural Policy-making in South East Europe (Hanneloes Weeda, Corina Suteu, Cas Smithuijsen, eds.). European Cultural Foundation / ECUMEST Association / Boekmanstudies, Amsterdam, 2005, pp136-154.
  5. Dragojević, Sanjin. Of Cultural Decentralization in Southeastern Europe: Do We Ever Change and Do We Wish to Change at All?Dynamics of Communication: New Ways and New Actors (Biserka Cvjetičanin, ed.). Culturelink, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2006, pp. 65-72.
  6. Dragojević, Sanjin; Dragićević Šešić Milena. Imagined or Real Divides. In: Transultural Europe. Cultural Policy in a Changing Europe (Ulrike Hanna Meinhof and Anna Triandafyllidou, eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, Hundmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; Ney York, 2006, pp. 43- 56.
  7. Драгојевић, Сањин. Утјецај културног, друштвеног и симболичког капитала на развој земаља Средње и Источне Еуропе. У: Арт-е-цономy. Тхеоретицал реадер (ед. Марко Стаменковић). Марко Стаменковић, Београд, 2007, пп. 113-127.
  8. Dragojević, Sanjin. To Harmonize European Curricula in the Field of Cultural Policy or not: Theoretic and practical questions. ICCPR, Fourth World Conference on Cultural Policy, Vienna, 12-16 July  2006, 50 p.
  9. Драгојевић Сањин; Драгићевић Шешић Милена. Менаџмент умјетности у турбулентним временима. Јесенски и Турк, Загреб 2007.
  10. Dragojević. Sanjin ; Jordi Pascual i Ruiz. Guide to Citizen Participationin in Local Cultural Policy Developent for European Cities. Interarts, Founadtion Barcelona ; Ecumest, Association, Bucharest, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, 2007, pp. 81-116

  • Office: Zagreb, Croatia
  • Research Interests:
    Philosophy and sociology of culture, Cultural development, management and co-operation, International cultural cooperation, Cultural management, Information and communication systems
  • Courses Taught:
    Politics of Mass Media
    Cultural Policy