THEATRE IN CONTEXT - Bitef Polyphony 2015 - Call for Papers

Aкадемски | 29.06.2015. 02:30

International symposium “Theatre in context“  will be held from September 23rd  until September 25th 2015 in Belgrade (Serbia), as a part of 16th Bitef Polyphony.

The symposium is dedicated to the analysis, contextualization and critical interpretation of contemporary theories and performing practices, as well as to understanding of principles, mechanisms and value system, which include various aspects of their application.

The aim of the symposium is to acquire and exchange insights about the multiplied opportunities of the contemporary theatrical theories, methods and techniques, both in education and in programs of psychosocial support for vulnerable or marginalized groups, and also within other practices which are oriented at social change and the development of a community culture.  Symposium is designed for scholars, theoreticians, professionals, critics, artists and activists, who are interested in an interdisciplinary approach to the study of cultural phenomena.

The symposium has several sections, each is dedicated to a particular topic, including: drama in education, community theater, techniques of Augusto Boal in the contemporary practices, the principles of participation in the work with vulnerable groups, political performative practices, etc. Several experts of scientific, artistic or activist background are invited to take part in each thematic section . Their dialogue expands and complements with the contribution of other guests in the audience.

Symposium “Theatre in context” ends with the eponymous section in which students of art theory and culture management present their original works in the field of contemporary performing practices and their contextualization.

If you are interested to participate actively please submit an abstract to e-mail following the instruction that is available in the form.

The selected works will be presented in the special edition, which will be published subsequently, after the symposium and reviewing process.

Symposium “Theatre in context”  is organized by Hop.La! as a part of 16th Bitef Polyphony, in cooperation with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, and UNESCO Chair in cultural policy and management University of Arts in Belgrade, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia. Official languages of the conference are Serbian (former Serbo-Croatian language area) and English. Participation is free.

Program committee

Prof. Milena Dragićević Šešić, PhD (FDU Belgrade, Serbia)

Assoc. Prof. Ana Marjanović Shane, PhD (Chestnut College Pennsylvania, USA)

Assoc. Prof. Silvija Jestrović, PhD (University of Warwick, UK)

Assoc. Prof. Janko Ljumović, Msc (FDU Cetinje, Montenegro)

Ass. Prof. Michal Babiak,  PhD (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Komenski Bratislava, Slovakia)

Ass. Prof. Irena Ristić, PhD (FDU Belgrade, Serbia)

Ljubica Beljanski Ristić, drama pedagogue (founder of Cedeum and Bitef Poliphony, Belgrade, Serbia)

Boris Čakširan, director, choreographer and costume designer (Erg Status, Belgrade, Serbia)

Ass. Prof. Vlatko Ilić, PhD (FDU Belgrade, Serbia)

Organizational committee

Sandra Stojanović, MA

Dr Vlatko Ilić, doc.  FDU Belgrade, Serbia

Dr Irena Ristić, doc.  FDU Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract and presentation guidelines

To participate in the symposium “Theater in Context” please send only abstract of original works that have not been previously published and are not simultaneously submitted for presentation elsewhere. Abstract can submit in Serbian or English. Abstract in English is mandatory. One author can submit only one abstract

The title should be concise (up to ten words). Abstract should not exceed a maximum length of 3000 characters including spaces. In abstracts authors should provide all relevant information about research or theoretical analysis. Abstract should contain only text, without tables and graphs. Authors should not give references, neither in an abstract nor at the end as a list. At the end of an abstract, up to five keywords should be given.

Abstracts submission deadline is August the 1st 2015. Abstract should be sent to address following the instruction that is available in the form. Period from August 1st until August 25th  2015 is planned for review and re-submission of abstracts corrected according to the reviewers’ suggestions. Accepted abstracts will be published in e-book, and available on the web site, together with the program of symposium, no later than September 1st 2015.

Conference rooms have a presentation computer and LCD. If authors wish, they may present from their own computers. We kindly ask you to bring the files for your presentation on a CD or USB. Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes in total, or 10 minutes for presentation itself and 5 additional minutes reserved for questions and discussion.

For additional information send inquire to coordinator via e-mail:


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