Andrej Srakar, M.Sc

Teaching Assistant

Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana

Andrej Srakar   is a teaching assistant and PhD student in economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana and Chairman of Asociacija – the best-known representative organisation of the NGO sector in culture in Slovenia. 

His main research interests include cultural economics, mathematical economics, contract theory, public economics, macroeconomics and cultural policy.

Srakar is the author of the first Slovenian monograph on cultural economics and has been the lead organiser and initiator of several pioneering events in cultural economics in Slovenia.

He is actively involved in several research projects in cultural economics and contract theory and is currently finishing his PhD Dissertation under the mentorship of Prof. Michael Rushton from Indiana University Bloomington.

In 2011/2012 he was Fulbright Scholar at Indiana University Bloomington.

He has also been involved in several cultural policy projects in cooperation with Prof. Vesna Čopič.


Current employment

  • Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, 2011-present: Teaching Assistant – External Associate, Macroeconomics

  • Asociacija – Slovenian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations and Self-Employed in Culture, 2012-present: Chairman

  • Horizont, 2012-present: tutor (Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Statistics, Mathematics)

  • sculpture network, 2012-present: Head Representative for Eastern Europe, honorarium work


Awards and memberships

  • Fulbright PhD Student Scholarship, US Government / Institute of International Education, institution visited: Indiana University Bloomington, USA, 2011/12

  • University PhD Scholarship, 2010/11 (first year of the possibility of such scholarship in Slovenia)

  • Zois National Scholarship for Talented Students, 1990-1999 (High School and University)

  • Research grant to attend international conference ‘Approaches to Sculpture in the Landscape’, Leeds, UK, September 2008, grant awarded by: European Cultural Foundation, Programme “Step Beyond” (

  • Three-time (1990, 1991, 1993) Slovenian national champion in mathematics, one-time third price at the same competition (1992)

  • Honorary mention at the 34th Olympics in Mathematics in Istanbul 1993

  • Second place at the Federal Yugoslav Mathematics Competition (1990, Tuzla)

  • Slovenian national champion in logic (1992), three time won third price at the same competition (1990, 1991, 1993)

  • Member of Association for Cultural Economics International (, 2008-2009, 2011-

  • Member of American Economic Association, 2012-

  • Member and representative (for Eastern European countries) of sculpture network, the only European network of sculptors and sculpture organisations (, 2007-

  • Slovenian Society for Cultural Economics, founding member and president, 2010-

Publications & References


  1. A. Srakar: Economic Valuation of Art Events: Art Between Market and State, monograph, publisher: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 2010, 220 pages
  2. V. Čopič, A. Uzelac, J. Primorac, D. A. Jelinčić, A. Srakar, A. Žuvela: Encouraging Private Investment in the Cultural Sector, Brussels: European Parliament, 2011, 236 pages
  3. V. Čopič, A. Srakar (2012): Cultural Governance: a literature review, EENC Paper, January 2012, 62 pages

Editor or Co-editor of books

  1. A. Srakar (ed.): Sculpture in Public Space, Sculpture Association, Ljubljana, compendium, 62 pages, 2006
  2. J. Kočica, S. Kokot, A.Srakar (ed.): Glypthoteque: Possibility for Development of Sculpture in Ljubljana, Sculpture Association, Ljubljana, compendium, 96 pages, 2007
  3. J. Kočica, A. Srakar (ed.): Percent for Art Scheme, compendium with the presentation of the research project made for Ministry of Culture in 2008, Ljubljana: Sculpture Association, 140 pages, 2009

Participation and coordination in research projects

  1. J. Kočica, J. Logar, A. Ostan, A. Smrekar, A. Srakar, I. Zakotnik: ‘Artworks in Investment Projects in Slovenia and the EU – Percent for Art Scheme’, commissioned research for the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, November 2008 - coordinator and co-author of research project
  2. J. Kočica, J. Logar, K. Majerhold, A. Ostan, A. Srakar, M. Zavrl: ‘Proposal for Legal Implementation of Percent-for-Art Scheme in Slovenia’, commissioned research for the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, 2009/2010 - coordinator and co-author of research project
  3. Research assistant at international research group to perform a research Encouraging Private Investment in the Cultural Sector, research holder: IMO, Zagreb; research leader: dr. Vesna Čopič, beneficiary: European Parliament, Brussels, 2011

Articles in science publications

  1. A. Srakar: ‘Reflections on the Business Plan of the Glyptotheque’, original article in: J. Kočica, S. Kokot, A.Srakar (ed.): Glypthoteque: Possibility for Development of Sculpture in Ljubljana, Sculpture Association, Ljubljana, compendium, 96 pages, 2007
  2. A. Srakar: ‘Sensible co-existence of Ethics and Esthetics’, Afterword to the monography by Assist. Prof. Jiri Kočica Ethical Impulse, Sculpture Association, Ljubljana, December 2008
  3. A. Srakar: ‘Percent-for-Art Scheme: Some Basic Facts and Results of the Survey’, original article in: J. Kočica, A. Srakar (ed.): Percent for Art Scheme, compendium with the presentation of the research project, made for Ministry of Culture in 2008, Ljubljana: Sculpture Association, 140 pages, 2009
  4. A. Srakar: ‘Reflection on the Economic Justification of Implementation of Percent-for-Art Scheme in Slovenia’, original article in Research on proposal for legal implementation of the percent-for-art scheme in Slovenia, Ministry of Culture, 2010
  5. A. Srakar: ‘Cultural Economics and Valuation of Cultural Events’, original article, Journal for Science Critique, Ljubljana, No. 241, pp. 124-138, November 2010
  6. A. Srakar: 'Public-private partnerships in culture - Private vs. public in the provision of cultural goods', lecture and article at Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Organizational Sciences Development, Faculty of Organization Science, University of Maribor, Portorož, Slovenia, March 2011
  7. A. Srakar, V. Čopič (2012): »Private investments, public values: a value-based approach to argumenting for public support to the arts«, Cultural Trends, Volume 21, Number 3, September 2012, pp. 227-237(11)
  8. A. Srakar (2013): Econometric estimation of the effects of new legislation on self-employed in culture and freelance journalists, working paper, Asociacija, Association of Journalists of Slovenia and Open Chamber for Contemporary Art, 36 pp.

Other articles

  1. S. Kokot, A. Srakar: ‘A Short Presentation of Contemporary Sculpture in Slovenia’, article in monthly newspaper of European sculpture network, November 2007
  2. V. Čopič, A. Srakar: ‘Investments in Culture and the NGO’s’, disposition for the public conversation on Investments in Culture and the NGO’s, Ljubljana: Asociacija, 2010
