Svetlana Hristova
vanredni profesor
Dr Svetlana Hristova je urbani sociolog, istraživač i predavač, vanredni profesor na Fakultetu umetnosti Јugozapadnог univerziteta u Blagoevgradu, Bugarska, gde je bila šef Katedre za studije kulture (2000-2004), direktor Centra za interkulturalni dijalog i integracije (2001-2009) i prodekan Fakulteta umetnosti (2005-2010). Njeni istraživački interesi povezuju oblasti sociologije kulture, kulturne antropologije i urbane studije, što može da se vidi po projektima kojima ona koordinira, kao što su: Kultura malog grada (1999-2000); Javni prostori bugarskog grada - nasleđe i razvoj (2005-2007), uz podršku bugarskog Ministarstva prosvete i nauke; međunarodno istraživanje Re-imaging of Public Space in European Cities and its Role in Social and Ethnocultural Integration (2006-2008), uz učešće Velike Britanije, Rusije i Ukrajine, a uz podršku INTAS i EU; viši istraživač na Centralno-evropskom univerzitetu u Budimpešti (2006-2007) za projekat Mesta i ne-mesta u centralnim i istočno - evropskim gradovima (poređenje između Sofije i Budimpešte) i dr.
U 2009. godini Svetlana Hristova pokrenula je radne grupu pod nazivom Urban Management and Cultural Policies of City u okviru ENCATC-a (
Svetlana Hristova je bila govornik, moderator, organizator i učesnik brojnih diskusija, seminara i konferencija: Can We Build Creative Cities and Regions? (Brisel, 2009); Re-Imagening Europolis: For a Better Future of Our Cities (Barselona, 2009); The Role of Artists in Social Participation: The Contribution of Arts and Culture to Social Sustainability of Cities (Utreht, 2010); Animation of Public Space Through the Arts (Koimbra, 2011); Cultural Sustainability of City in Precarious Times (Helsinki, 2011); The transformations of the public space: from cultural policies to inclusive governance (Barselona, 2012).
Svetlana Hristova je potpredsedavajući Sekcije za Urbanu sociologiju pri Bugarskom sociološkom udruženju i član Upravnog odbora COST Akcije IS1007 Istraživanje kulturne održivosti (2011-2015). U decembru 2013 godine postala je član i izabrana je za potpredsednika Međunarodnog panela za izbor bugarske Evropske prestonice kulture (2019).
Publikacije & reference
- Hristova, Svetlana (2001) Border Identity of the Small Town. Cultural-anthropological Research of the town of Melnik. Blagoevgrad: University Press. (in Bulgarian) Svetlana Hristova – Biography – 31/12/2013 2
- Hristova, Svetlana (2002) The City: Images, Symbols, Identities. Sofia: LIK Publishing House.
- Hristova Svetlana, Craig Young, Oleg Pachenkov and Ihor Savchuk (eds) (2008) Public Places of European Cities. Photo-album. Kiev: Surma Svyatoslav.
- Hristova Svetlana, Thomas Knubben and Pekka Vartiainen (eds) (2011) United in Diversity? Cultural Policy and its Dimensions. Ludwigsburg.
- Hristova, Svetlana and Mariusz Czepczińsky (eds) Public Space: Between Re-Imagination and Occupation. Ashgate, forthcoming.
- Hristova, Svetlana, Milena Dragićević Šešić and Nancy Duxbury (eds.) Culture and Sustainability of European Cities: Imagining Europolis. Routledge Studies in Culture and Sustainable Development. Series Editors: Katriina Soini and Joost Dessen. Routledge Earthscan, forthcoming.
Članci i poglavlja u knjigama:
- Hristova, Svetlana (2004) The Politics of Multiculturalism in Bulgaria – Uses and (Ab)uses In: Perspectives of Multiculturalism: Western and Transitional Countries ed. By Milan Mesić, Zagreb-Croatian Commission for UNESCO,
- Hristova, Svetlana (2006) National Identity and Crises. in: Bulgarian Nationalisms and European Integration. Ed. by Vasil Prodanov, Sofia: Publisjing House ‘Hristo Botev’ (in Bulgarian)
- Hristova, Svetlana (2006)Cultural Rights in European Context In: Trajectories Of Contemporary Sociology In Bulgaria, XVI ISA World Congress, Quarterly Journal Of The Institute Of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 120-130
- Hristova, Svetlana (2007) Images of Social Inequality in a Bulgarian Transition City – the Market and the Cemetery. In: Ethnic Landscapes in a Global World. Research in Urban Sociology, Hutchison R. and J. Krasse (eds.), Elsevier. Volume 8, 245–263.
- Hristova, Svetlana (2008) Arts Management for disadvantaged groups in a society in transition: the case for Bulgaria. In: Enabling the Creators. Arts and Cultural Management and the Challenge of Social Inclusion. Ed. Jolyon Laycock. European Arts Management Programme in association Oxford Brookes University
- Hristova, Svetlana (2009) What do we remember at the cemetery? In: Sociology of Memory: Papers from the Spectrum. Ed. Noel Packard. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Hristova, Svetlana (2010) Imagining the City as a Space for Cultural Policy In: Sociological Problems, special issue of the Bulgarian Sociological Association ‘Sociology on the Move’, devoted to XVII ISA World Congress.
- Hristova, Svetlana (2011) European Identity as a Project. In: Hristova Svetlana, Thomas Knubben and Pekka Vartiainen (eds) United in Diversity? Cultural Policy and its Dimensions. Ludwigsburg, 44-59.
- Hristova, Svetlana (2011) Bulgarian Cultural Industries in the European Context. In: Hristova Svetlana, Thomas Knubben and Pekka Vartiainen (eds) United in Diversity? Cultural Policy and its Dimensions Ludwigsburg, 88-99. Svetlana Hristova – Biography – 31/12/2013 3
- Hristova, Svetlana (2012) Sofia Streets as Public Space by the end of the 19th and beginning of 20th centuries. Balcanistic Forum, issue3, 119-128 (in Bulgarian).
- Hristova, Svetlana (2013) Repenser l'espace public et ses frontiers, in Les Nouveaux Paradigmes De La Frontiere, dans Collection Local et Global dirigée par Gilles Rouet & François Soulages, L’Harmattan.
- Hristova, Svetlana (2013) Public Space of Central and East-European Cities : Between Consumerism and Spectacle, in Esthétisation de l'espace public: enjeux, acteurs, perspectives, dans Collection Local et Global dirigée par Gilles Rouet & François Soulages, L’Harmattan.
- Hristova, Svetlana. Le cimetière comme espace liminal: entre sacré et profane, In Politiques et pratiques d’esthétisation de l’espace public, dans Collection Local et Global dirigée par Gilles Rouet & François Soulages, L’Harmattan, forthcoming.
- Hristova, Svetlana. The European City and Its Heritage: The Creative Sustainability. In: Culture Management and Culture Policy: the Models of Creative Initiatives, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, forthcoming.
- Email adresa:
- Kancelarija: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria