Svetlana Hristova

vanredni profesor


Dr Svetlana Hristova je urbani sociolog, istraživač i predavač, vanredni profesor na Fakultetu umetnosti Јugozapadnог univerziteta u Blagoevgradu, Bugarska, gde je bila šef Katedre za studije kulture (2000-2004), direktor Centra za interkulturalni dijalog i integracije (2001-2009) i prodekan Fakulteta umetnosti (2005-2010). Njeni istraživački interesi povezuju oblasti sociologije kulture, kulturne antropologije i urbane studije, što može da se vidi po projektima kojima ona koordinira, kao što su: Kultura malog grada (1999-2000); Javni prostori bugarskog grada - nasleđe i razvoj (2005-2007), uz podršku bugarskog Ministarstva prosvete i nauke; međunarodno istraživanje Re-imaging of Public Space in European Cities and its Role in Social and Ethnocultural Integration (2006-2008), uz učešće Velike Britanije, Rusije i Ukrajine, a uz podršku INTAS i EU; viši istraživač na Centralno-evropskom univerzitetu u Budimpešti (2006-2007) za projekat Mesta i ne-mesta u centralnim i istočno - evropskim gradovima (poređenje između Sofije i Budimpešte) i dr.

U 2009. godini Svetlana Hristova pokrenula je radne grupu pod nazivom Urban Management and Cultural Policies of City u okviru ENCATC-a (

Svetlana Hristova je bila govornik, moderator, organizator i učesnik brojnih diskusija, seminara i konferencija:  Can We Build Creative Cities and Regions? (Brisel, 2009); Re-Imagening Europolis: For a Better Future of Our Cities (Barselona, 2009); The Role of Artists in Social Participation: The Contribution of Arts and Culture to Social Sustainability of Cities (Utreht, 2010); Animation of Public Space Through the Arts (Koimbra, 2011); Cultural Sustainability of City in Precarious Times (Helsinki, 2011); The transformations of the public space: from cultural policies to inclusive governance (Barselona, 2012).

Svetlana Hristova je potpredsedavajući Sekcije za Urbanu sociologiju pri Bugarskom sociološkom udruženju i član Upravnog odbora COST Akcije IS1007 Istraživanje kulturne održivosti (2011-2015). U decembru 2013 godine postala je član i izabrana je za potpredsednika Međunarodnog panela za izbor bugarske Evropske prestonice kulture (2019).

Publikacije & reference


  1. Hristova, Svetlana (2001) Border Identity of the Small Town. Cultural-anthropological Research of the town of Melnik. Blagoevgrad: University Press. (in Bulgarian) Svetlana Hristova – Biography – 31/12/2013 2
  2. Hristova, Svetlana (2002) The City: Images, Symbols, Identities. Sofia: LIK Publishing House.
  3. Hristova Svetlana, Craig Young, Oleg Pachenkov and Ihor Savchuk (eds) (2008) Public Places of European Cities. Photo-album. Kiev: Surma Svyatoslav.
  4. Hristova Svetlana, Thomas Knubben and Pekka Vartiainen (eds) (2011) United in Diversity? Cultural Policy and its Dimensions. Ludwigsburg.
  6. Hristova, Svetlana and Mariusz Czepczińsky (eds) Public Space: Between Re-Imagination and Occupation. Ashgate, forthcoming.
  7. Hristova, Svetlana, Milena Dragićević Šešić and Nancy Duxbury (eds.) Culture and Sustainability of European Cities: Imagining Europolis. Routledge Studies in Culture and Sustainable Development. Series Editors: Katriina Soini and Joost Dessen. Routledge Earthscan, forthcoming.

Članci i poglavlja u knjigama:

  1. Hristova, Svetlana (2004) The Politics of Multiculturalism in Bulgaria – Uses and (Ab)uses In: Perspectives of Multiculturalism: Western and Transitional Countries ed. By Milan Mesić, Zagreb-Croatian Commission for UNESCO,
  2. Hristova, Svetlana (2006) National Identity and Crisesin: Bulgarian Nationalisms and European Integration. Ed. by Vasil Prodanov, Sofia: Publisjing House ‘Hristo Botev’ (in Bulgarian)
  3. Hristova, Svetlana (2006)Cultural Rights in European Context In: Trajectories Of Contemporary Sociology In Bulgaria, XVI ISA World CongressQuarterly Journal Of The Institute Of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 120-130
  4. Hristova, Svetlana (2007) Images of Social Inequality in a Bulgarian Transition City – the Market and the Cemetery. In: Ethnic Landscapes in a Global World. Research in Urban Sociology, Hutchison R. and J. Krasse (eds.), Elsevier. Volume 8, 245–263.
  5. Hristova, Svetlana (2008) Arts Management for disadvantaged groups in a society in transition: the case for Bulgaria. In: Enabling the Creators. Arts and Cultural Management and the Challenge of Social Inclusion. Ed. Jolyon Laycock. European Arts Management Programme in association Oxford Brookes University
  6. Hristova, Svetlana (2009) What do we remember at the cemetery? In: Sociology of Memory: Papers from the Spectrum. Ed. Noel Packard. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  7. Hristova, Svetlana (2010) Imagining the City as a Space for Cultural Policy In: Sociological Problems, special issue of the Bulgarian Sociological Association ‘Sociology on the Move’, devoted to XVII ISA World Congress.
  8. Hristova, Svetlana (2011) European Identity as a Project. In: Hristova Svetlana, Thomas Knubben and Pekka Vartiainen (eds) United in Diversity? Cultural Policy and its Dimensions. Ludwigsburg, 44-59.
  9. Hristova, Svetlana (2011) Bulgarian Cultural Industries in the European Context. In: Hristova Svetlana, Thomas Knubben and Pekka Vartiainen (eds) United in Diversity? Cultural Policy and its Dimensions Ludwigsburg, 88-99. Svetlana Hristova – Biography – 31/12/2013 3
  10. Hristova, Svetlana (2012) Sofia Streets as Public Space by the end of the 19th and beginning of 20th centuries. Balcanistic Forum, issue3, 119-128 (in Bulgarian).
  11. Hristova, Svetlana (2013) Repenser l'espace public et ses frontiers, in Les Nouveaux Paradigmes De La Frontiere, dans Collection Local et Global dirigée par Gilles Rouet & François Soulages, L’Harmattan.
  12. Hristova, Svetlana (2013) Public Space of Central and East-European Cities : Between Consumerism and Spectacle, in Esthétisation de l'espace public: enjeux, acteurs, perspectives, dans Collection Local et Global dirigée par Gilles Rouet & François Soulages, L’Harmattan.
  13. Hristova, Svetlana. Le cimetière comme espace liminal: entre sacré et profane, In Politiques et pratiques d’esthétisation de l’espace public, dans Collection Local et Global dirigée par Gilles Rouet & François Soulages, L’Harmattan, forthcoming.
  14. Hristova, Svetlana. The European City and Its Heritage: The Creative Sustainability. In: Culture Management and Culture Policy: the Models of Creative Initiatives, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, forthcoming.

